Like No Other Boy

Fiction - Drama
352 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Like No Other Boy by Larry Center is a poignant novel that explores the deep bond between a father and his autistic son, Tommy. Chris Crutcher, facing a bitter custody battle with his ex-wife, is determined to protect Tommy's unique world, where he finds joy in communicating with chimpanzees at a local primatology center. As Chris struggles to maintain custody, he must navigate the complexities of fatherhood, love, and the challenges of autism. This heartwarming story delves into the emotional depths of parenthood while also touching on scientific concepts of communication and the human-animal connection. Center beautifully captures the profound and unconditional love between a father and his son in this emotionally varied novel, and there’s a very complex journey at work that he’s thought about from every nuance and possible angle to get the most out of the tale.

The author’s sensitive portrayal of autism and the unique ways in which individuals connect smacks of deep personal experience and excellent research and empathy, and readers with any experience of having autistic people in their lives are sure to see all those details come to life with compassion and resonance. Larry Center also combines scientific insights into the well-paced beats of this compelling story, enriching the reader’s understanding of communication and human-animal bonds, educating as well as entertaining along the way. Despite some tricky and heartbreaking subject matter at times, the novel’s optimistic tone and heartfelt storytelling make it an inspiring and uplifting read by the time readers reach the highly satisfying conclusion. Overall, I would certainly recommend Like No Other Boy to fans of heartfelt, realistic drama as an accomplished work that tugs at the heartstrings from cover to cover.