Lethal Hope

A Hope Allerd Novel

Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
363 Pages
Reviewed on 09/23/2024
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Author Biography

Born in Birmingham, Alabama, Robert Thornton has lived in the South all of his life, except for a stint in the U. S. Coast Guard. He is a retired physician who specialized in Family Medicine. He likes to read history and lay books on quantum mechanics. Yeah, he’s a nerd. He’s an alumnus of the Maui and SEAK Writers Conferences. LETHAL HOPE is his new thriller. He blogs on his website RobertThorntonOnline.com. Don’t worry; he doesn’t blog about quantum mechanics.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Ibrahim Aslan for Readers' Favorite

Hope Allerd, M.D., is an infectious diseases specialist who is unceremoniously plunged into a dangerous and uncompromising situation that might cost her and the American people their freedom. She uses her intelligence and the help of her supportive circle to navigate a treacherous political terrain following a turbulent presidential election. Hope stumbles upon a political scheme that threatens to end democracy in America. Her inquiry uncovers a terrifying plot orchestrated by General Armstrong. He is a determined and brutal political figure who will stop at nothing to get his way. Armstrong is a conniving madman who seeks to overthrow the government and become America's one-and-only president. Will Hope successfully expose Armstrong's wicked ruse to take complete control of America? Pick up Robert Thornton's Lethal Hope, and prepare for a thrilling literary journey.

Lethal Hope is an engaging and well-researched story about the dark side of politics and the abuse of political power. Robert Thornton is a master at creating suspense and political intrigue throughout this book. He certainly did not disappoint! The pacing is relentless and will keep readers fully engaged at all times. The characters are well-defined, and the action development is top-notch. My heart pounded nonstop as Hope raced to reveal General Armstrong's ulterior motives. Armstrong convincingly plays the part of a sinister antagonist, adding necessary tension and plot twists to the storyline. Thornton's writing flows well. It is done with ease, confidence, and resolution while bringing the plot together perfectly. Lethal Hope is much more than a run-of-the-mill suspense thriller. It takes a critical look at realistic socio-political issues and encourages us to examine adverse political situations while at the same time entertaining us with its pulsating story. If you're a fan of political thrillers, I'm sure you'll love this one.