Lawyers, Dogs, and Money

A Veronica Kildare K-9 Mystery Book 2

Fiction - Animals
355 Pages
Reviewed on 05/01/2024
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Author Biography

Tracy Carter graduated from the University of Glasgow, Scotland with a Master's degree in History. Her lengthy career as a legal assistant has included stints at international law firms and prosecutors' offices, followed by jobs as the Horse Identifier at two thoroughbred racetracks―all while training dogs in obedience and rally. Tracy's first book is the Gold Medal winner in the 2023 Readers' Favorite International Book Award Contest in the Fiction-Animals genre. She lives near Cleveland, Ohio with her husband and Llewellin Setter, where she is an avid hiker and dedicated college football fan. You can learn more about the Veronica Kildare K-9 Mystery series and Tracy at her website

    Book Review

Reviewed by Susan van der Walt for Readers' Favorite

In Lawyers, Dogs, and Money: A Veronica Kildare K-9 Mystery Book 2 by Tracy Carter, Veronica Kildare moves to Colorado to get away from her traumatic past involving the death of her fiance. His violent death still haunts her in her dreams. Her father, Bob, buys a former day spa and converts it to a dog training facility. It enables her to start her Dogged Pursuit K-9 business, training dogs for various uses such as drug detection or service dogs to warn about allergies, and even training a dog as a protection dog for an older woman. She and her dog, Leda, also actively work to find missing persons and search for drugs and contraband in schools and businesses. But when they try to help a friend, Kadri, who suspects someone is stalking her, they get entangled in a dangerous web of intrigue, putting Veronica again in danger.

I love Leda, Veronica's service dog - well-trained, courageous, and always eager to work. Tracy Carter introduces us to dogs from the various breeds Veronica is training and describes their unique characteristics and personalities. We also get some insight into the techniques used to train dogs to detect drugs, peanuts, etc. Although this is not a fast-paced novel, the author keeps the reader engaged by slowly revealing clues about Kadri's dilemma through Bob's research. I recommend Lawyers, Dogs, and Money to dog lovers who will fall in love with the various dogs in the story and will cheer Veronica on as she strives to solve the puzzling mystery of Kadri's stalker.

Ann Feifel

What a wonderful collection of characters (human and dogs) in Lawyers, Dogs and Money.

Our main protagonist, Veronica (Ronnie) a highly successful canine trainer, runs the Dogged Pursuit K-9, on the outskirts of Boulder, Colorado. She trains dogs not only to find people, but drugs, ammunition, for protection, and among other things, trains dogs to seek out allergens that could potentially kill people.

She is accompanied throughout the story with canine hero, Leda, her beloved and brilliant rescue dog, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Leda is not only trained for search and rescue, but she is also Veronica's fierce guardian in the face of danger.

Tracy's book starts off with a bang, with Veronica and Leda dangling from a helicopter. They are being dropped into a rugged mountainous region to find an experienced hiker who is long overdue to return. Join them as they search under the gun with a tight time frame as a forest fire looms in the near distance.

Kadri Ilves, an older Estonian woman, once imprisoned by the Soviets, is an activist and advocate for Estonians attempting to regain their land confiscated by the Soviet Union. After immigrating to America, she runs a shipping company out of Denver Colorado. Kadri is being threatened both at home and at work by an unknown person or group. Kadri escapes one scary situation and ends up in another, much more serious situation.

Suspense builds as Veronica's father, Bob, and Michael Fletcher, a likeable young law student/dog training assistant, team up with Veronica to find Kadri, and why her life is in danger.
~ ~ ~
I am a dog-lover, and this book has many wonderful different dog characters. It's interesting to read how Veronica trains these various dogs. She is excellent in knowing what the different dog breeds are best suited for and her training methods are well explained and very interesting.

Tracy has written a well-edited, engaging story with excellent character development and well detailed descriptions.

I give this book a 5-star rating, and I'm looking forward to the next adventure with Veronica and Leda!

Marla White

“Lawyers, Dogs, and Money” is the second in this series but Carter made it very easy to catch up without feeling lost if you haven’t read the first. In fact, I may have to go back and read the first with its action-packed, high-stakes emotional storylines alluded to in this book.

Veronica is starting over again as a dog handler, training all breeds of dogs to do everything from detecting peanuts to protect their allergic owner to finding lost hikers. Her own dog, Leda, is a gem who can find drugs, people, or chew toys at the drop of a hat. Their amazing adventures eventually bring them in touch with Kadri, a brave Estonian woman who is being threatened. However, by whom and why remains a mystery that will take Veronica, her dad, and the Boulder County Sheriff’s Department to unravel.

I loved all the details of meticulously researched story points. From dog breeds to hiking trails and delicious garlic bread, the sights and smells all brought the story vividly to life. The genuine affection the characters feel for one another and the potential romance, after poor Veronica’s heart was shattered in book one, makes me want to read the next book ASAP!