Kora Kelly and the Life Keeper

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
100 Pages
Reviewed on 08/31/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foram Vyas for Readers' Favorite

Kora Kelly and the Life Keeper by Ariel Grace Snapp is an enchanting underwater adventure that will captivate both children and parents alike. The story follows Kora, a spirited and determined Lumin, on her mission to restore harmony between the ocean realm and the human world. As the secret keepers of the sea, Lumins like Kora once delighted humans by delivering sea glass treasures to the shore. However, when the grumpy crab Sarwen decides to clean up the trash-littered beaches, this magical connection is severed. Kora, along with her charming crew of sea creatures—from snails to deep-sea dwellers—embarks on a thrilling journey to outsmart Sarwen and bring back the balance to the ocean. The imaginative plot is filled with twists, turns, and exciting challenges, making it an engaging read for young audiences.

Ariel Grace Snapp’s writing is both delightful and immersive, making it easy for readers to get lost in the vibrant world she has created. The plot is well-paced, with enough action to keep children hooked while also offering meaningful moments of reflection about environmental stewardship and the importance of harmony between nature and humanity. The characters are wonderfully quirky, each adding their own unique flavor to the story. A special mention must go to the absolutely stunning watercolor illustrations. They add a personal touch of cuteness and vibrancy to the tale, making each page a visual treat. These illustrations not only enhance the storytelling but also make the entire book more enjoyable for kids. Kora Kelly and the Life Keeper is a perfect blend of adventure, charm, and important lessons, making it a must-read for families.