Kingdom Society

The Black Hood: An Anime Inspired Science/Fantasy Epic

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
514 Pages
Reviewed on 10/13/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Kingdom Society: The Black Hood by Nathan Helm centers on the journey of Alyeth, Cindrel, and their mentor Xylok as they battle a rising dark threat led by Lord Zallrahn. After a series of visions and run-ins, they uncover Zallrahn's link to the All-Stone, an ancient artifact tied to the dark god, Malus. As they prepare for war, they come up against betrayal, dark magic, and the loss of loved ones, converging in a tragic battle where Zallrahn takes control of Merek, Alyeth’s father. With their family shattered, Xylok attempts to protect Alyeth and Cindrel by sending them into the future, where a whole new set of challenges awaits. Meanwhile, Ezra Zane, who was forced into servitude by Zord Zallrahn, embarks on his own journey into 2041, hoping to advance military technology and eventually return home to save his father and kingdom, ultimately setting the stage for an even larger confrontation with the forces of darkness.

Nathan Helm’s Kingdom Society: The Black Hood is an exceptionally well-crafted fantasy that ticks all the boxes with magic, bad guys that are really bad, and the good guys who are burdened with such high stakes. Helm’s writing is top class with a series of battle scenes that are all immersive and allow us to see the full scale of ability in a forced, almost gladiatorial setting. The magic system is the best part and I loved Queen Maridian's ability to conjure up the pièce de résistance: ice dolphins. We get a bit of backstory from Alyeth’s lessons, covering the ages of Dun'Nahar and the defeat of the Dark Lord Malus by the Four Warlocks, which explains some of the more complicated history comfortably. With its amazing world-building, strong character development, and a plot full of twists, The Black Hood is a solid entry into the new Kingdom Society series. Very highly recommended.