Keeping Janie

Book 2 of the Southport Series

Fiction - New Adult
320 Pages
Reviewed on 05/18/2024
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Author Biography

S.R. Fabrico is an award-winning author whose literary talents have captivated readers worldwide. With her debut novel, The Secrets We Conceal, and her second novel, Call Her Janie, she has emerged as a rising star in the literary realm.

With a remarkable 25-plus-year career in business, marketing, and sports, S.R. Fabrico brings a unique perspective to her writing. As a World Champion Dance Coach and esteemed speaker, she infuses her stories with passion and insight.

Residing in Tennessee with her husband and children, S.R. Fabrico continues to create captivating narratives that will transport you to new and extraordinary worlds. Prepare to be enchanted by her exceptional storytelling prowess.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Keeping Janie by S.R. Fabrico is the second book in the Southport Series. Lizzie Levine waits for the looming court date that will decide if she can keep her daughter, Janie. Gray, Janie's father, seems to have changed, going to great lengths to restore Lizzie's trust. He allows Lizzie and her fiancé, Josh, to raise Janie, but Gray's involvement is a sore point in Lizzie and Josh's relationship. Josh wants to adopt Janie, but Gray pushes deeper into their lives, and Lizzie hopes his intentions are pure. Catalina, the woman who raised Janie for the first year of her life, is released from prison, and she is determined to reclaim Lizzie's daughter. With tensions in the custody case mounting, Lizzie receives pictures, showing someone is watching her family.

S.R. Fabrico brings readers another story with suspense dripping from the pages. As a mother, I was saddened by the legal hoops Lizzie had to jump through to remain with her daughter. I was flipping as fast as my fingers could fly to find out what happened to Lizzie and her precious Janie. Lizzie and Josh have a strong connection, and Fabrico tests it throughout the story. The author explores themes of grief and redemption as if she is one of the characters in the novel, making the situations feel as though they are happening to people you know. Prepare to be shocked by the events in the story, and don't let your guard down until the end. Readers who enjoy suspenseful stories with romance and strong female characters will love Keeping Janie.

K.C. Finn

Keeping Janie is a work of fiction in the new adult drama, slice of life, and adventure genres, and is the second novel of the Southport Series. Penned by author S.R. Fabrico, this enchanting tale continues Lizzie Levine's journey from Call Her Janie against the scenic backdrop of Southport, North Carolina. Reuniting with her daughter, Janie, should mark a new beginning for Lizzie, but hidden dangers lurk beneath the surface. As she navigates wedding preparations and a custody battle with her billionaire ex-boyfriend, Gray Stone, secrets and lies threaten to unravel her happiness. In this gripping narrative, love intertwines with deceit, shadows of danger loom, and confronting the past becomes imperative. Will Lizzie secure custody, marry her beloved, and achieve her happily ever after, or will past mistakes spell their demise?

Author S.R. Fabrico puts heart and soul into crafting a rollercoaster of realistic and dramatic emotions, drawing me deeper into Lizzie's tumultuous journey filled with love, betrayal, and resilience. I was impressed with the complex tapestry of relationships and intrigue, preparing readers for every twist and turn and always returning to loose threads to make sure they reach a satisfying conclusion that builds on the overall plot. Lizzie's struggles against her manipulative ex-boyfriend and the tension of the impending custody battle created a palpable sense of urgency, and the dialogue helped to move the plot forward with natural conversations rather than slowing the pace. The backdrop of Southport is beautifully drawn with atmospheric touches and a mood that matches the emotional tone of each scene, adding yet more charm to the story and grounding it in a realistic world. As the narrative unfolded, I found myself rooting more and more for Lizzie's happiness while anxiously awaiting the resolution of her tumultuous journey. Overall, Keeping Janie is highly recommended as a captivating drama that fans of the previous book in the series are guaranteed to enjoy.

Alma Boucher

In S.R. Fabrico's Keeping Janie, Lizzie wanted to begin her new life with Josh and Janie. Janie’s biological father, Gray, claimed to be a changed man and wanted joint custody. The custody dispute took an eternity, and Lizzie was always afraid that her time with Janie was running out. Furthermore, Catalina, Gray's psychotic wife, thinks that Lizzie does not deserve to be Janie's mother and that Janie is her daughter. Catalina will do whatever it takes to get Janie back from Lizzie while she is serving her jail sentence for stealing Janie. During the custody battle, photos emerged that raised questions about Lizzie's paternity, and it seemed that Catalina was still causing problems even after she was imprisoned. Lizzie felt like she was losing control and was afraid of losing Janie again.

Keeping Janie by S.R. Fabrico was an emotional roller coaster ride filled with love, suspense, and danger. It was a page-turner that kept me hooked from the start until the end. The writing style was engaging and made me feel like I was actually in Southport, North Carolina. It was fast-paced, and I could not put it down. All the twists and turns had me on the edge of my seat, guessing until the end. Lizzie was a strong, determined, and brilliant mother. The dynamic and bond between Josh and Lizzie were endearing, and I cherished their relationship and their attempts to manage everything. The story was masterfully crafted, and I did not see the major twist coming. I was completely shocked and still cannot believe what happened.