Kate's War

A Novel

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
296 Pages
Reviewed on 08/22/2023
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Author Biography

I am an English-born American and moved to the U.S. with my family when I was sixteen. Kate's War was inspired by my father's unpublished memoir in which he wrote briefly about an experience he had in World War II. It's a little-known event, and I thought the story was worth telling.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Munir Muhammad for Readers' Favorite

Kate's War by Linda Stewart Henley is a poignant and gripping novel that explores the complexities of human relationships and the impact of war on individuals and families. Set against the backdrop of World War II, the book delves into themes of love, loss, resilience, and the enduring power of the human spirit. At the heart of the novel is Kate, a strong and determined protagonist who finds herself navigating the realities of war, and its aftermath and is forced to put her dream of a singing career on hold when war breaks out. Her journey is compelling, and readers are likely to empathize with her struggles and triumphs. She also develops a close friendship with a young Jewish girl, who has been forced to flee her home in Germany. The characters are well-developed and feel genuine, making it easy to become emotionally invested in their fates.

Linda Stewart Henley's writing style is emotive and immersive, capturing the atmosphere of the period with vivid detail. The historical setting is brought to life through rich descriptions of the era, from the challenges of wartime to the cultural norms and societal expectations. The novel portrays the hardships and sacrifices faced by those left behind, as well as the difficulties and traumas endured by soldiers. The intricate dynamics between the role-players showcase the nuances of love, loyalty, and the obstacles that arise during trying times. With its well-developed characters, evocative writing, and exploration of universal themes, Kate's War is likely to resonate with fans of historical fiction and anyone seeking a moving story of love and resilience during tumultuous times.