In Two Weeks' Time

Fiction - Thriller - Psychological
301 Pages
Reviewed on 10/24/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In Two Weeks' Time by Rebecka Lassen starts with Samantha Reeves, a private investigator monitoring her target in an ongoing case. When Sam unexpectedly received a package containing a military police patch from her team's unsuccessful mission in Afghanistan, her life was profoundly shaken. Even after ten years, Sam held herself responsible for the failed mission. Sam’s target was attending a golf gala at Mendakota Country Club and it was essential for her to be there. Casey Parks, the marketing director of Mendakota Country Club, felt an instant fascination for Sam when he first laid eyes on her. Sam's target was discovered murdered, and the killer left behind a disturbing message. The police suspected that the murder was linked to Sam's current investigation, but she was convinced otherwise. It was too coincidental that Sam received the military police patch just as her target was killed.

In Two Weeks’ Time is a gripping psychological thriller by Rebecka Lassen. The story was engaging and held my interest right up until the very end. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat, turning the pages as fast as I could. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what to expect next in this suspenseful thriller. The characters were strong and well-developed. I enjoyed the budding romance between Sam and Casey. They were immediately attracted to each other and grew fond of each other. I thought I knew who the killer was but was dumbfounded when I learned their true identity! The story was masterfully crafted, and so much happened that I did not want to put the book down!