In the Shadows of the Game

A Joey Mancuso, Father O'Brian Crime Mystery Book 12

Fiction - Mystery - Legal
315 Pages
Reviewed on 02/29/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In the Shadows of the Game, a mystery and legal thriller by Owen Parr, starts with Ruth informing Joey Mancuso over the phone that her son, Randy Goldstein, had been taken into custody and would soon face charges related to second-degree murder. The victim was Silvio Alvarez, a teammate on Randy’s tennis team. All the evidence and circumstances pointed to Randy as the killer, and Mancuso had to track down the real killer to prove Randy's innocence. During Mancuso and his team’s investigation, they found a syndicate that forced teenage girls into prostitution as well as a syndicate that took advantage of female students making provocative videos of themselves. When people of interest were murdered, it was up to Mancuso to unravel the mystery behind these murders and find the link between them.

In the Shadows of the Game by Owen was a roller coaster ride of blackmail, courtroom drama, deceit, murder, suspense, and guilt. The plot was excellently executed and full of action and suspense, and there was never a dull moment. This page-turner hooked me from the start and kept me on the edge of my seat. The court proceedings had an engaging focus and provided an immersive experience. With all the unexpected twists and turns, I never knew what to expect next. The characters were authentic and easy to relate to. Mancuso believed in Randy’s innocence and investigated all possible aspects to prove his innocence. The story was brilliantly written and exceeded my expectations. The epilogue was an enjoyable read as Owen Parr expertly outlined the brilliant conclusion.