I Don’t Want to Learn to Read!

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Do you need to know how to read? Can you get by without being able to read a single word? Can you find your way to a special place like Hawaii if you can’t read the directions? Can you make pancakes without reading a recipe? Can you plant pumpkin seeds without reading the instructions? In Arina Borodina’s I Don’t Want to Learn to Read! a young bear is convinced he doesn’t need to learn to read, so he decides he’s not going to bother. The only thing is, he can’t do much without being able to read. He confronts one challenge after another and soon realizes that he does need to learn how to read. Unable to read signs giving directions, this bear ended up on Mount Everest instead of in Hawaii and even managed to get lost at the zoo. Now, how sad is that?

Arina Borodina’s picture book I Don’t Want to Learn to Read! is a delightful and rather funny story to inspire even the most struggling readers to work on their letters. Told in rhyming verse and using simple language which will also encourage young readers to work on their reading skills, this story follows one bear's struggle to show independence without being able to read a single word. The colorful, bold illustrations are just as playful as the story itself and will add a little chuckle or two for the young reader. The bear’s profound words after getting lost multiple times and not being able to do all the things he wants to do are well said: “This world is exciting and full of letters,/ I want to read whatever and wherever I like!” Beautifully told and illustrated.