Have YOU Seen My Sock?

Children - Adventure
36 Pages
Reviewed on 10/08/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

If you are like most people, you have lost something before. It might be your keys or a comb, but it is frustrating. Think how frustrating it is for a child when something goes missing. That is the situation Barbara B. Thompson addresses in Have YOU Seen My Sock? Mason has been busy playing with his blocks and realizes he is missing one of his dinosaur socks. He goes on a quest, asking everyone and many animals if they have seen the sock. The ducks, frogs, dogs, cats, geese, rabbits, and many other animals respond negatively. His mother and father have not seen the sock; however, they have noticed that Mason has not picked up his toys. Does Mason find his special sock? Read this book to discover the outcome of his quest.

Barbara B. Thompson tackles the difficult emotions connected with loss in Have YOU Seen My Sock? This book will help parents understand that what might seem like a small inconvenience to them may seem like a major disaster to their child. Using this book as a starting point, parents should consider discussing their child’s emotions and how important it is to learn how to find solutions to problems. Discussing how to control one’s emotions is vital to becoming a successful adult. Remesh Ram does a great job of bringing the story to life through his colorful illustrations. Problem-solving is a life skill that will help your child succeed in their chosen profession. Another theme for discussion is the importance of keeping one's room clean and neat. I highly recommend this book become a part of your child’s library.