Haunted House

Day & Night

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/05/2024
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Author Biography

Dear Reader,

“Haunted House Day & Night” was inspired by all of the children who either wouldn't enter or couldn't make it through our Halloween home haunts. It is a testament to the power of imagination and the joy of facing fears in a safe and playful way.

We may have moved away from the Elgin, Texas community, but our haunting years continue to spark endless joy. We'd like to send well wishes and a virtual hug to our favorite neighbors: Candy, John, Jan, Randy, Miss Angela, Tony, Al, Nicole, Melissa and all of their families!

Thanks for the memories!

Jaybie D.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Luwi Nyakansaila for Readers' Favorite

Haunted House by Jaybie D. is a thrilling children’s picture book that follows Mandy and her family as they tour a haunted house during the day and night. Mandy fears the dark, but seeing the Haunted House before nightfall allows her to confront her fears and build courage. She learns that the spooky atmosphere, weird smells, and eerie noises are just the result of clever special effects and props. Seeing her father in one of the costumes scares her and her brother Kyle, but they soon learn to familiarize themselves with the house. As the day turns to night, Mandy’s initial fear gives way to fascination, and she becomes more curious. Join Mandy as she learns to overcome her fears by seeing the behind-the-scenes of an amazing Haunted House.

Haunted House is a captivating and entertaining story that encourages kids to confront their fears and discover the thrill of the unknown. By following Mandy’s brave journey, young readers are inspired to turn what initially seems scary into something exciting, fostering a sense of wonder and adventure that's perfect for kids who adore spooky tales. Jaybie D.’s use of simple language makes the story accessible to young children or those who may struggle with more complex vocabulary. Additionally, the highlighted words throughout the book serve as a valuable educational tool, helping readers to build their vocabulary and understanding of key concepts. The story is unique and realistic with illustrations that perfectly complement it. The dark color tones and eerie atmosphere create a sense of suspense and tension that matches the themes. I enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend sharing it with your children to teach them to overcome their fears.

Astrid Iustulin

Are you ready to face your worst fears? Mandy is a young girl who gets scared at night when she hears weird noises while she is already in bed. In the morning, she finds out that she and her family will visit a haunted house — both day and night! Scary creatures and carnival games are outside this frightening place, and Mandy can observe the preparations while waiting for the big show in the evening. At night, the haunted house comes to life. Will Mandy enjoy herself or still feel scared in the eerie surroundings? Jaybie D.'s words and images will guide you through Haunted House: Day & Night.

Haunted House: Day & Night is perfect for challenging young readers to overcome their fears. Who has never been afraid when hearing strange noises at night and while visiting a haunted house? Jaybie D. knows what scares children the most and offers them a great story that makes them reflect. The setting in a haunted house is perfect for this purpose, and the images represent this place so well that I consider them as significant as the words to express the concepts. I am convinced that this author has done a great service to any frightened readers and that they will feel reassured after reading this story. I recommend this book to all young readers who still have some fears to overcome. I am sure they will be able to deal with them very well and will have a lot of fun with Mandy.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

Haunted House: Day & Night is an exciting children's book by Jaybie D. As the story begins, Mandy is concerned about every shadow and sound in her room. She's apprehensive when her mother announces the family will be visiting a Halloween haunted house. Mandy vows she won't go that night, but as she tours the house during the day, she sees the makeup and faces behind the fantasy creatures. She meets the host and watches as the scenes are constructed. That night, she looks at the ambiance in a new way. After she witnessed young people who couldn't make it through her haunted house, the author wrote this book to help children positively confront their fears.

Jaybie D. approaches the fear of haunted houses from a new and engaging angle. She shows young readers the preparations during the day and brings them to life at night. For children who are concerned about their reactions to the frightening sights, the book will give them a way to manage their fears. When the book is read aloud, Jaybie D.'s storytelling skills shine, and her lyrical work will draw the listeners in. My young children hung on to every word as the monsters became less scary and more entertaining. Caregivers will love the author's concepts and children will enjoy the bright designs and relatable characters. The daytime sights will help alleviate the fear that usually accompanies the intense illustrations of the night. Haunted House: Day & Night is a great selection for children who are worried about visiting Halloween haunted houses.

Philip Van Heusen

Fear is paralyzing. The most common cause of fear is the unknown. Jaybie D. understands this fear and wrote Haunted House: Day & Night to teach children what goes on behind the scenes in a haunted house. This knowledge allows children to enjoy the fun that can be had at a haunted house. Mandy is afraid to attend the local haunted house and says she won’t go; however, her mom buys tickets and takes Mandy and her brother to the event. Mr. Holder is in charge of production and gives the family a special tour of the house, revealing all its secrets. With this knowledge, Mandy attends the haunted house that night and learns how much fun they can be. When we learn to face our fears, they often go away.

Jaybie D. used to produce a haunted house and knows all the ins and outs of what happens. In Haunted House, the author shares knowledge of what makes a haunted house scary, understanding that knowledge is power. Children have many fears, and as a parent, you can help them by explaining what causes their fear and why they don’t have to be afraid. Fog machines, creepy music, scary scenes, and darkness work together to cause fear; however, knowing how they work together alleviates that fear. The lessons learned in this little book about overcoming fear can be applied to many fears and serve your children well into the future. As a counselor for over forty years, I highly recommend this book to help your child enjoy their life better. If you take the time to help your child understand their fears, they will more easily overcome them.

Amy Louise Hill

Haunted House: Day and Night by Jaybie. D is a fun and educational picture book for young children. Is your child afraid of all things that go bump in the night? Then worry not as this book will erase those fears. A young girl named Mandy struggles to sleep. Her imagination makes her see and hear things that are not there. Every creaking sound the house makes causes her to jump out of her skin, and she suspects her closet is occupied by a monster! With all these things causing Mandy so much terror, her brother Kyle comes up with an idea that he hopes will help her overcome her fears; a visit to a haunted house where their dad works. Will Kyle's plan work? And will Mandy's view of things change? Find out in this book.

Haunted House: Day and Night was exciting to read. Jaybie. D has done a great job of showing how a child's imagination can run wild and cause so many fears that can become bigger problems as they grow older. The story is written in rhyme and I feel this was an excellent choice as it keeps the writing simple and easy to follow, not to mention adding even more thrills to the story. The illustrations, also by the author, are simple yet effective in keeping the level of spookiness in the tale. I guarantee children with or without these types of fears will enjoy reading this book and will want to read more. Keep up the good work, Jaybie. D. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.