
Far From Home

Children - Animals
206 Pages
Reviewed on 09/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Ree Augustine shares a bittersweet story about a dog named Hangabout and a cat named Bean. In Hangabout: Far from Home, Hangabout’s keeper, Grifter, takes him far from home and then deserts him. Your child will enjoy the two companions’ adventures as they search for their keepers. Hangabout learns many life lessons as they travel toward home. It can be dangerous to trust everyone, and Hangabout learns to be careful. After meeting other animals on their journey, what do you think Hangabout finds when they finally reach his house? What sad story does Hangabout learn about Bean’s keeper? As your child reads this story, they will have many questions about some of the situations in which Hangabout and Bean find themselves. After the duo’s trauma, seeing them find a forever keeper is nice.

Tales of desertion are often too intense for younger children, but around age seven would be a good time to introduce them to Hangabout: Far from Home by Ree Augustine. Life is difficult, but this book teaches your child never to give up and what resilience is. The cat, Bean, is a streetwise realist who always advises vigilance. Erica Wolf does a masterful job of illustrating the story and adding a visual appeal to the words. One life lesson this book teaches is the need to be accepted and loved. Searching for a safe person to be a forever friend is fraught with dangers and struggles. However, knowing you have found someone you can trust is well worth the work. Be sure to discuss the different betrayals and desertions found in this book. Do not forget to encourage your child to keep hope alive. At the end of the book are some great discussion questions to discuss with your child to help them process the story.