Grinding Gears

Young Adult - Coming of Age
148 Pages
Reviewed on 08/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Afifa Raisa for Readers' Favorite

Grinding Gears by C. R. Fulton tells the story of Logan Reed, a fourteen-year-old who cannot think of a life without racing. His rare talent has earned him success and a sponsor in his town, but the world he has always known begins to fall apart as he is forced to leave for North Carolina with his family. Their new home is close to a racing track, which ignites a spark of hope in Logan, but his dream might shatter because of the lack of a car and a sponsor. To make things worse, school is dreadful without his old friends back in Iowa. To remain a part of the racing world, he must stick to his passion and find a way to navigate the new challenges.

C. R. Fulton’s Grinding Gears is a book that one can finish in a single sitting. Although this fast-paced, action-packed story deals primarily with car racing, kids who have never been into cars or racing can enjoy it too. Fulton has done a great job with the descriptions on and off the track; while everything sounds lively and realistic, readers who are unfamiliar with the world of racing are unlikely to feel overwhelmed. One of the characters that stands out from the rest is Logan’s math teacher, Mrs. Morgan, who shows what it truly means to be a great teacher. The story focuses on multiple issues relevant to kids in middle or high school, making it relatable to readers. The book is recommended for readers aged ten to twelve.