God's Love Manual

A How-to Guide for Building Successful Relationships

Non-Fiction - Relationships
254 Pages
Reviewed on 04/28/2024
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Author Biography

John K. Slater is an American Christian author born in Gainesville, Florida, in 1966. He spent his early years playing along the banks of Tennessee’s Tellico River and Georgia’s orange hills of clay. His family eventually settled in Lake City, Florida, where he attended high school.

While working on military manuals as an engineer, John developed an interest in writing instructional publications. In later years, this passion sparked writing Christian discipleship manuals and daily devotions for local organizations.

In 2020, He responded to the call to become a volunteer chaplain for the North American Mission Board and began writing about his life’s struggles and triumphs in faith, family, and relationships. The testimonial writings inspired his debut book, God’s Love Manual: A How-to Guide for Successful Relationships. John now lives in Ocala, Florida, with his amazing wife, Shelah, and their mischievous but lovable cat Rocky.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

Marriage and love manuals are a dime a dozen unless you are talking about a book like John K. Slater’s God’s Love Manual. This amazing book will give you all the information, skills, and understanding needed to build a poor marriage into a wonderful marriage and a wonderful marriage into a marriage beyond belief. Basing married love upon God’s instructions found in I Corinthians 13, John masterfully navigates what love is and how to use it to grow your marriage. He reminds readers that our differences strengthen and complement each other’s weaknesses, thus uniting us. He shares how to develop and implement boundaries, a key skill to improve relationships. Reading this book will equip you with the skills and knowledge to have a successful and long married life. If this book had been available, I would have made it required reading for every couple who came into my office for counseling. Care enough about your marriage to grow it by practicing the knowledge found in this wonderful book.

God's Love Manual: A How-to Guide for Building Successful Relationships by John K. Slater is one of the best-written books on marriage I have read in my forty-plus years as a pastoral marriage counselor. The style is easy to read and full of John’s life experiences. Each chapter is divided into seven parts: The Chapter Topic, From God’s Perspective, From Vice to Virtue, Final Thoughts, Strategy for Success, Related Scriptures, and Let God Fight the Battle. Today, my wife and I are celebrating forty-six years of married bliss, and the knowledge in this book contains what we used to make our marriage last. The keys to a great marriage presented here will also help in any relationship you have. To make this book even more valuable, John includes a multitude of scriptures, and, in reality, it is God Who will help you improve and keep a great marriage.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

John K Slater's book, God's Love Manual, is designed for couples who are adjusting to married life, relationships that are struggling, and to supplement marital counseling before the wedding. Slater gives readers information that helps them better understand what they need to practice a Christian marriage, notes differences that are meant to balance each other, and backs up his assertions with scripture. He provides strategies for processing anger and hurt and encourages difficult conversations about avoidable, immoral choices, reminding readers that successful marriages include Jesus. At the close of each chapter, the author provides methods for applying his suggestions, related biblical passages for further study, and prayers.

John K Slater outlines the audience he intends to reach with this work, but I believe his book would benefit everyone of dating age. The text helps clarify the need to work together to mold, maintain, and support relationships. The material is just as beneficial to a married couple as it would be to a young man or woman who needs guidance on selecting a person to date. Slater's words could be revisited through the evolution of your relationship, as some parts may apply to you in a different season of your relationship. Slater shares his story and the lessons he's learned, revealing how his life changed as he made conscious decisions to alter his way of thinking. God's Love Manual: A How-to Guide for Building Successful Relationships is a good selection for readers who hope to improve their unions, and it would be a great gift for engaged couples or newlyweds who are beginning their journey together.

Doreen Chombu

God's Love Manual: A How-to Guide for Building Successful Relationships by John K Slater is a guide that provides direction on how to build loving and successful relationships. The author draws his inspiration from chapter thirteen of the first book of Corinthians in the Bible. He breaks down every attribute of love mentioned in the chapter and highlights the importance of nurturing healthy relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. He discusses essential principles like patience, kindness, envy, anger, pride, selfishness, truth, trust, hope, and perseverance. Learning about these principles helps individuals build enduring and fulfilling connections. The book also contains relatable stories from the Bible, home life, and workplace, each providing practical examples of how to apply the above principles.

John K Slater's God's Love Manual is one of the best relationship guides I have ever read. The book not only caters to couples who are married or dating, but it also provides valuable advice for people in the workplace and those who want to improve their basic human interactions. Although the book is based on Christian principles, I believe it can benefit anyone regardless of their religious views. It introduces readers to God's love and helps them to become more considerate, accountable, and morally upright individuals. The book is well-written, with biblical scriptures to back up the concepts, and creative acronyms to help readers remember the lessons. I also appreciated that the author shared personal experiences, which added authenticity and helped me to connect with the author on a more personal level. Overall, I found the book enlightening and valuable, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their relationships with others.