God Says You Are An Amazing Girl

Children - Christian
86 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kimberlee J Benart for Readers' Favorite

God Says You Are An Amazing Girl is a Christian children’s book by Sophia A. Ritter. Faith is a charming nine-year-old who lives with her loving parents, twin brother, and older sister. Her grandfather lives nearby, and her best friend Ruthie lives next door. As Faith comes to Ruthie’s defense, interacts with her family and friends, and attempts to complete tests and tasks at school and camp, she faces challenges that cause her to question her abilities, capabilities, and wisdom. Can the inspiring words of eight Bible verses help her to believe that God sees her as kind, caring, beautiful, brave, capable of making good choices, and able to succeed? Will Faith gain the assurance she lacks? A free audio version is available for download.

In God Says You Are An Amazing Girl, Sophia A. Ritter gives us an engaging story that addresses the self-doubts that many children face. Whether it’s being bullied over their appearance, doubting their answers on a spelling test, being afraid to try a physical challenge that they’ve never done before, or being uncertain about how to be a good friend, children may feel doubt as they face challenges in the classroom, the playground, the campground, or the living room. The assurance of faith can help children through these challenges. Faith and Ruthie are likable and relatable, and the adults in their lives are portrayed as helpful and caring. God Says You Are An Amazing Girl is an excellent addition to any home or school library.