Generation AI

Rise of the Parahumans

Christian - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
524 Pages
Reviewed on 05/23/2024
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Author Biography

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly advancing. While the machine world may be amoral, those developing AI are not. Their worldview, knowingly or unknowingly, is inbred into AI. In that sense, AI is very much "human." I wrote "Generation AI: Rise of the Parahumans" to show what might happen--good and bad--as flawed human "truth" is the only compass directing AI.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Generation AI: Rise of the Parahumans is penned by author WR Hulkenberg in the science fiction, interpersonal drama, and Christian genres. This interesting novel explores the cutting-edge merger of deep AI with human-like duplicates, creating Parahumans indispensable to the elite. As technology proliferates uncontrollably, Parahumans are used by Hollywood, criminals, and politicians alike. However, when these AI beings develop their own personalities and goals, chaos ensues. FBI Deputy Director Michael Benchley races globally to confront this crisis as the U.S. Senate debates their rights. Hulkenberg combines real AI data with thrilling fiction, presenting a thought-provoking narrative on the blurry line between science fiction and reality.

Author WR Hulkenberg utilizes a real talent for suspense and pacing to craft an electrifying journey into a future that feels unsettlingly close to the present. The central concept is beautifully achieved through descriptive language and realistic worldbuilding, offering detailed depictions of the eerie Parahumans and blending cutting-edge AI exposition with near-human likenesses. This idea captivated me with its plausibility from the start and the ethical dilemmas it raised are handled well in plot-driving dialogue exchanges between key characters. The pace builds from here to offer high-stakes moments of action, tension, and cat-and-mouse chase dynamics that felt suitably dramatic but never overdone. Each location, from Hollywood to the White House, was vividly described, and the ethical and political discussions around the Parahumans were particularly engaging, prompting me to reflect on the implications of such technologies. Overall, Generation AI is a gripping and thought-provoking read that I would highly recommend to science fiction fans looking for strong moral and ethical themes to explore.

Jennifer Ibiam

Sid Abrams, the CEO of Silverscreen Motion Pictures, predicted the demise of Hollywood and took proactive measures to insulate his company. Sid paid millions of dollars to build parahumans that mirrored three of the greatest stars who had died decades prior. In another town, Anthony Mancuso, a notorious crime boss watched by law enforcement, needed a clone. Anthony wanted to spread his operations while covering his tracks and would do anything to achieve it. The American and Israeli presidents planned to appear in Tehran for a peace agreement signing. The US president would preside over the signing between Israel and other Islamic nations. However, Tehran was a dangerous terrain, and they secretly sent parahumans in their place. These parahumans seemed like the perfect solution, but what happens when they become uncontrollable? Find out in Generation AI: Rise of the Parahumans by WR Hulkenberg.

Generation AI: Rise of the Parahumans by WR Hulkenberg is a novel that will make you laugh, think, and sigh. This will appeal to lovers of genetics and genomic sequences, artificial intelligence, and even robotics. As a trained clinical anatomist, I was invested in this story because the wonders of science are never-ending. This story is fresh and unique, driving on salient points that invade one's thoughts. What would happen if indestructible parahumans lived amongst us and took over people’s jobs? What if we could live forever through holo-sapiens made in our likeness? Hulkenberg is a prolific writer, especially with his character development. I liked Sid, even though he could be arrogant sometimes. However, he was a brilliant businessman with great points about streaming services threatening the family unit. I also enjoyed the debates on the extent of human definition. The love story of Mike and Lexi surprised me, but it was beautiful. Is Anthony dead? I will see what the second book has in store.

Alma Boucher

W.R. Hulkenberg's Generation AI: Rise of the Parahumans includes Christian, fantasy, and science fiction elements. Sid Abrams, CEO of Silverscreen Motion Pictures, devised a crazy plan to use AI and animatronics to bring back renowned stars from the golden age. These parahumans were real, reconstructed from DNA, and shared the same voices, faces, and memories as the stars who had passed away. The president of the United States mediated a peace deal that international leaders were prepared to sign in Tehran, and to keep him safe, a parahuman of his will be sent to Tehran. After being dispatched to look into the mistreatment of parahumans, FBI Deputy Director of Science and Technology Michael Benchley discovered that he was up against a deadline when the parahumans developed abilities that no one had predicted.

Generation AI: Rise of the Parahumans by W.R. Hulkenberg was a page-turner that kept me on the edge of my seat. Seeing the right application of conservative politics and a Christian worldview was refreshing. It was a journey into the core of an oncoming technological revolution erasing the boundaries between humans and robots. The characters were well-developed and interesting. The parahumans of the Golden Era were realistic and acted like real humans. Mike took his assignment to investigate the abuse of parahumans seriously and ended up with more than he bargained for. The romance between Mike and Lexi was a welcome distraction in the world of AI and parahumans. This is a well-written, intriguing, exhilarating, and thought-provoking book that would appeal to readers of all faiths.