Forest for the Trees & Other Stories

Fiction - Anthology
258 Pages
Reviewed on 04/04/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Immerse yourself in an enthralling collection of fifteen short stories with Forest for the Trees & Other Stories. Written by Mathieu Cailler, this collection covers different aspects of the human experience. An Afghan war veteran draws on his years of military training to track down his wife's kidnapper, but not everything turns out the way he envisioned. A woman becomes increasingly exasperated with her husband's behavior at the new diner in town and takes a nostalgic trip down memory lane in remembrance of her former lover. A pregnant woman begins to have doubts over the couple who chose her for surrogacy. Recently released from prison, an elderly convict visits his son's house to see him one last time and ends up stealing a Porsche. A woman is in for a surprise when she asks her six-year-old grandson why he is crying.

Mathieu Cailler explores various facets of the human condition with this captivating collection. Forest for the Trees & Other Stories is an absorbing anthology that takes you on a journey through a broad spectrum of feelings, encompassing the good, bad, and everything in between that comprises the grand tapestry of life. These stories make you think about what it truly means to be human. Emotionally resonant and thematically rich, this is a must-read for short story lovers. Every tale has a surprise or two in store for you, yet each of these stories feels distinct and brings something unique of its own to the narrative. I thoroughly enjoyed this collection and can't recommend it highly enough.

Debbie Murton

Wow, this book is so wonderful. Thank you READERS FAVORITE.