Feels Like Home

Young Adult - Romance
351 Pages
Reviewed on 06/18/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Feels Like Home is a work of fiction in the young adult romance, interpersonal drama, and adventure genres. Penned by author Carolina Shamshoum, the plot follows Poppy Herrera, now known as Cara Addams, who is sent to Stoney Creek, Georgia, after being caught in a drug raid. Confused about her situation and longing to go home, Cara faces further turmoil when her ex-boyfriend reappears, seeking forgiveness. Her plans are upended when she learns her current boyfriend may have died in the raid. As Cara grapples with her past and present, she must decide whether to start anew in this small town or find her way back home. This is an emotional and thought-provoking journey with a central heroine filled with relatable vulnerability and admirable determination.

Cara's confusion and longing for home felt palpable from the start, and I was impressed by the author’s attention to detail in her characterization and attitude presentation. The reappearance of Cara's ex-boyfriend was handled well with sharp dialogue and interesting descriptions, with past feelings creating a tension between Cara’s past and potential future that drives the plot into more mature territory. I admired Cara's resilience as she navigated these challenges, balancing her desire for familiarity with the possibility of a fresh start. Carolina Shamshoum leaves no stone unturned in exploring the emotional and psychological weight of the decisions Cara makes. The small-town setting, with its gossip and close-knit community, provides a rich backdrop for Cara's journey of self-discovery, and it is described with atmospheric language that matches the mood and tone of each scene well. Shamshoum's storytelling beautifully captures the struggle between holding onto the past and embracing an uncertain future, making for a compelling and heartfelt story. Overall, I would certainly recommend Feels Like Home to fans of heartfelt YA romances with plenty of realistic drama.