Exploring Wine Regions – California Central Coast

Discovering Great Wines, Phenomenal Foods and Amazing Tourism (Exploring Wine Regions, 3)

Non-Fiction - Travel
436 Pages
Reviewed on 09/30/2023
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Author Biography

For more than 20 years, author, photographer, and wine expert Michael C. Higgins is the publisher of Flying Adventures magazine, a lifestyle travel publication for food and wine lovers who own and travel on private airplanes. As a private pilot, travel enthusiast, and food and wine lover himself, Higgins continues to live the story he’s been sharing for decades.

Between the magazine and this book series, Higgins has participated in some of the most extraordinary experiences. He has virtually done it all: from pruning vines, picking grapes, working alongside winemakers, to participating in blind tastings, food and wine pairings, judging Cru Bourgeois wines, and sharing many meals with world-renowned winemakers, over countless hours, discussing everything wine. His time in wine regions add up to thousands of days and counting. And as an accomplished photographer, he has captured even more spectacular images of the wine world.

Higgins has participated in many unique wine experiences, indulged in the most exclusive culinary affairs, been pampered in highly luxurious destinations and jumped into the wildest of adventures. His goal is to inspire his readers to join him in exploring the wine regions of the world and experiencing the unimaginable. Higgins has a BA in Commercial Art, an MBA and a PhD in Business Administration. He is a California native and lives in Pasadena, California.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Vernita Naylor for Readers' Favorite

Wine is extremely popular in some countries and it has become a part of the many ways that several cultures socialize. At some high-end restaurants in addition to the food menu, you will be presented with a wine list that could have pages of wine choices from whites to red with various types of flavors to suit your palate. You are in for a treat reading Exploring Wine Regions: California Central Coast by author, photographer, and photojournalist Michael C. Higgins. In this book, you will learn about the wines that are special to the California Central Coast area. Michael has carefully crafted a guide using his background and own experiences to help you understand the history behind the wine that many have come to love and enjoy. The California Central Coast consists of Monterey, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara Counties. Here you will discover how the location of your ideal wine is based upon its terroir. A terroir is an ecosystem (soil, topography, weather, and climate) that blends with the grapes to help build its wine character. But we wouldn’t have Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Zinfandel, and Grenache without the exceptional creativity of the winemakers, vintners, and other talents that work within the terroir to help build the personality of the wines.

I am a California Bay Area native and have always been familiar with the Napa and Sonoma Valley wineries but during my various stays within the California Central Coast area, I never thought of the wineries within it. Michael has influenced my curiosity. In reading, Exploring Wine Regions by Michael C. Higgins, I am now challenging myself to visit some of these places soon. Additionally, I was fascinated to learn the various terms and professions that are associated with the wine industry: oenologist, appellation, American Viticulture Areas (AVA), and of course, terroir. It was also amazing to learn that there are over 100 soil variations, which may include volcanic ash, lime, or granite, that are unique to the state and influence the bodies of the wines being created. In this book, you will not only learn about the location of the wines and their price point within the California Central Coast area but also details on hotels, restaurants, and activities to experience and explore. Grab a copy of this book, go on an adventure, stay for a while within the area, and explore the beauty and fun that awaits.