Driving for Justice

Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Driving for Justice by Justin Kojok is an audiobook brought to life by James William May’s narration. Set in a bustling urban landscape, the story follows John Sanbian, a lawyer who trades the courtroom for the driver’s seat of a Laafia car. Each ride provides a window into the city's diverse and colorful inhabitants as John's passengers share their stories, creating a mosaic of human experience. As John navigates the streets, he is confronted with reflections on his past and the pursuit of justice. The characters he meets offer him new insights into life and purpose.

The narrative in Driving for Justice is thoughtful and reflective, weaving together individual stories that collectively shape the protagonist's journey. Each character Justin Kojok created adds depth to the overarching theme of justice and personal growth, weaving a tapestry of unique and universal experiences. The structure, which revolves around these vignettes, allows for a gradual exploration of John’s evolving perspective, fostering a sense of connection and empathy. The narrative’s strength lies in its balance between action and introspection, where John’s internal struggles are juxtaposed with his passengers’ external lives. This balance creates a rich, multi-layered experience, keeping the listener engaged in the journey and the destination, feeling a part of the story's unfolding journey.

James William May’s narration provides an authentic and empathetic voice, guiding listeners through the emotional landscape of the story. May speaks slowly so listeners can savor the story. The pacing sometimes feels unhurried, but it allows listeners to immerse themselves in these moments of connection and introspection. During these quieter parts, listeners are invited to contemplate deeper themes of empathy and redemption. Overall, the narration is compelling in revealing the story's exploration of justice, purpose, and the unexpected ways to find redemption.