Dreams Never End

The Feigned Moon of Entiria Epic Serial Book 3

Fiction - Science Fiction
228 Pages
Reviewed on 08/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

Dreams Never End (The Feigned Moon of Entiria Epic Serial Book 3) by E.A. Bagby takes readers on a gripping journey through the Underworld, following Geils, a man struggling to find his true purpose in life. After receiving a mysterious message on his recorder promising a great reward for his dedication, Geils and his friends are thrust into an eerie, metallic realm. As they navigate the Underworld, encountering strange beings and overcoming daunting challenges, Geils must confront his past and the decisions that have led him to this point. The stakes are high, but the promise of a great reward keeps Geils and his companions pushing forward through a world where the lines between reality and fantasy blur.

One of the highlights of this science fiction novel is E.A. Bagby’s skillful integration of a recap of Books 1 and 2, allowing readers to understand the events leading up to this installment without feeling lost. The world-building is richly detailed, creating an immersive read with his portrayal of the Underworld’s unique environment and its enigmatic inhabitants. The plot is intricately woven, with twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats. Geils' character development is profound as he grapples with his identity and purpose. Despite the moderately complex writing, the narrative remains accessible to fans of the genre, ensuring that the premise is easy to grasp while maintaining the depth that sci-fi enthusiasts crave. Dreams Never End is a testament to Bagby’s storytelling prowess, blending compelling characters, a vivid setting, and a captivating plot into a must-read epic.

Pikasho Deka

Dreams Never End is the captivating third installment of The Feigned Moon of Entiria series by E.A. Bagby. After failing to be the Lead Storyteller of the Deo Tribe, Giels finds himself traveling with his friends for yet another trip to the mysterious Underworld. Barely surviving an attack by the Guardian, Giels and the other Deoan youngsters come across Sansar, one of the Champions who is hatching his own plan to fight against the gods. Keeping them occupied with food, potions, and visions, Sansar manipulates Giels and his friends to do his bidding. However, Alana is missing, and Giels is desperate to find her. Meanwhile, Giels' father, Lead Elder Danis of the Council, sets off to search for the youngsters. Giels slowly realizes that much is at stake, and he has an important role to play in the events to come.

E.A. Bagby continues to expand this fantastical world with added lore, powerful beings, and mysteries. Dreams Never End is a stellar end to The Feigned Moon of Entiria saga, with more new characters and worldbuilding to explore and delve into. Bagby's plotting is intricate, complemented by an immersive narrative that keeps surprising readers at every turn. The brisk pacing and the compelling character work ensure readers are hooked to the tale from beginning to end. Giels is much more mature and slowly seems to be assuming his leadership role among his friends. The Underworld and its depictions are fascinating, and I think dark fantasy fans will find a lot to love about this world. This book is tailor-made for science fiction/epic fantasy lovers.

K.C. Finn

Dreams Never End is a work of fiction in the science fiction, action, and adventure genres, and is the third installment of The Feigned Moon of Entiria Epic Serial. It is best suited to mature readers as it contains some moderate violence and adult language. Penned by author E.A. Bagby, readers follow the ongoing story of Giels, having been forced into the Underworld, who struggles to reclaim his leadership role back home but fails. Mysterious messages draw him back to the industrial realm of the departed, offering hope and purpose. As Giels receives aid from the Underworld denizens, he faces the dilemma of whether this will be his greatest gambit or his worst mistake. The story blends science fiction and fantasy in a coming-of-age narrative filled with self-discovery, action, and drama.

Great imagination and interesting plot dynamics create a mesmerizing journey into a richly crafted science fiction world. E.A. Bagby's world-building is truly remarkable and leaps off the page right from the opening section, immersing readers in the strange, industrial Underworld and the complex dynamics of its people. Giels's struggle to find purpose and regain his leadership role is a strong emotive focal point of the tale, evoking empathy for his internal conflicts and external challenges with a detailed and intimate narrative of his thoughts and feelings. The mysterious messages and the aid he received from the Underworld inhabitants added well-timed twists with plenty of intrigue and suspense, keeping readers hooked on the balance between hope and despair. The blend of self-discovery, action, and drama kept me engaged throughout, and the unique fusion of mythic and futuristic elements was always exciting and innovative. Overall, Dreams Never End is a highly engaging work that I’d recommend to all fans of detailed and immersive science fiction.