Do You See Me at Home?

Children - Action
32 Pages
Reviewed on 08/28/2024
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Author Biography

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) holds a Ph.D. in Law and is an award-winning children’s author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation, published in 2015, examines the limits of freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shifts of the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to her doctoral research, Tuula Pere had a career spanning over two decades as a lawyer and held various expert and executive positions in large industrial companies.

Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over sixty children's books, many of which have been translated into multiple languages. She has also authored poetry and aphorisms for children, as well as short stories and non-fiction for adults. Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and the mother of three.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Bruce Arrington for Readers' Favorite

Do You See Me at Home? by Tuula Pere is an extraordinary tale about a boy and the communication he shares with his parents. This book is for parents and children as it is a helpful learning tool for both. Our hero is inquisitive, imaginative, and thoughtful as he goes about his day. He wants to share things with his father and mother, who don’t always take the time to stop and listen to their little boy. It shows the happy times when the family is together, loves one another, and shares, as well as the unhappy times when the parents do not get along. It shows the child’s concerns when he hears and sees things on the television that are loud and violent, and how the parents respond to his concerns.

The artwork by Majigsuren Enkhbat is striking, captures your attention, and creatively sets the scene. It is colorful, bold, and imaginative, helping to support the narrative, which is mostly a conversation between the child and his parents. The book allows us to see a perspective through the eyes of a child, to be able to stop and consider the emotions and viewpoint of that child who has little power or authority when it comes to the day-to-day activities in the family. However, it is important to remember that the feelings of a child are just as important as an adult! That’s what this book communicates to me. Do You See Me at Home? by Tuula Pere is a fascinating conversation between a boy and his parents, and comes highly recommended.

Pikasho Deka

Sometimes, children get overwhelmed by their surroundings and feel that no one listens to them. Tuula Pere's Do You See Me At Home? follows a child who has a hard time talking about his day in school because his parents are always busy with one thing or the other. He can't wait to tell his mom that he built a trivet made of mosaic tiles, but all his mother wants is to get him to the dinner table. When his parents watch the news, he gets scared by the appalling events happening worldwide. But there is still the teddy bear, who is always with him, and he knows his parents love him no matter what. Now, they are going to bake buns together as a happy family.

Young children need a good support system around them to thrive and prosper. Do You See Me At Home? is a heartfelt tale that will appeal to kids and their parents alike. Young readers will relate to the protagonist of this picture book and learn about sharing their feelings with their parents. On the other hand, parents will get a glimpse of how kids really feel when things aren't going their way and see how they can offer their support to their child in times of need. Tuula Pere is a master of weaving valuable life lessons into her children's books, and this one is no different. The book encourages readers to join in group activities with their loved ones as they bring families closer, and we know a close-knit family is a happy family. Recommended to both children and parents.

Shrabastee Chakraborty

Home should be a safe place for everyone. But what if you have something big to tell your parents and they are not listening? What if the news reports are too violent? What if your big brother's hullabaloo is bothering you? Why won’t your mom see what a grand spacecraft you have made? Why won’t she let you play for longer? Why are Mom and Dad raising their voices? Will their fight make them stay apart from each other? If these terrifying questions ever poke their heads up, you must read Do You See Me at Home?, written by Tuula Pere and illustrated by Majigsuren Enkhbat.

I loved the unique narrative structure, with one page featuring a problem and the next offering a peaceful solution. Although the entire book uses only dialogue, young readers can easily grasp the settings each time. The situations Tuula Pere presents are all relatable. Children, with their keen perception, find some situations extremely overwhelming. Their feelings of frustration, anger, fear, and vulnerability, if suppressed, could cause them severe distress. Pere’s book offers helpful pointers, enabling parents to help their youngsters process their emotions and make sense of the world. Do You See Me at Home? presents different ways in which parents could validate the child’s feelings, recognize the sources, and find ways to circumvent them. The book also highlights how parents should acknowledge their children’s efforts and appreciate their achievements, making them feel seen. Enkhbat’s illustrations perfectly complement the text. I sincerely urge every parent to read this book together with their children.

Mimie Odigwe

Do You See Me at Home? by Tuula Pere, with illustrations by Majigsuren Enkhbat, is a children’s book that shows some everyday anxieties children face and how parents can guide them through this. What do you do when your parents are too busy to listen to you? Or when they argue? What about when the news report on TV is scary? These fears are common yet very significant, and a caring parent is what every child needs. This book also shows how the parents respond with care and reassurance, providing comfort and addressing the child’s concerns. The story highlights the importance of a supportive home where the child feels seen, heard, and safe.

Do You See Me At Home? should be present in every home. It is a gentle reminder to parents always to be present, creating a warm, secure, and loving environment where children feel seen and heard. They should acknowledge their children’s emotions, comfort them, reassure them, and protect them. Author Tuula Pere uses simple dialogue through the eyes of a young child to pass her point across. Each fear expressed by the child in the story is met with a calm and comforting response, showing how parents can effectively guide their children through their anxiety. Accompanied by expressive illustrations by Majigsuren Enkhbat, this book is age-appropriate and easy to understand. Children of all ages can read this picture book with simple words and understand the importance of empathy and emotional support toward one another.

Philip Van Heusen

It is sad when children are overlooked in public. After seeing a child ignored in line at a store, I intervened and told the cashier, “I believe he is next.” However, much worse is when a child is ignored at home. In Do You See Me at Home? by Tuula Pere, parents are reminded of the importance of paying attention to their children and ensuring they feel they are part of the family. This lovely children’s picture book will delight any child and help them understand their importance in their family. Parents need to learn to listen to their children and pay attention to what they have to say. When parents put children last, the children tend to feel neglected. The excitement of the moment is often gone when a child has to wait too long to share their thoughts. Take time to listen to your child.

Do You See Me at Home? by Tuula Pere has a very important message for parents. As you read this book with your child, discuss why it is important to hear what your child has to say. Noticing your child and sharing time with them goes a long way in their proper development into responsible adults. Spend time daily with your child, letting them talk about their day, what they did, what they saw, and what they thought. Paying attention to your child is much better than the old “children are made to be seen and not heard” philosophy I grew up under. A child’s most important need is to feel loved and accepted. This is felt when one is seen and heard.