Divisible Man

Fiction - Thriller - General
334 Pages
Reviewed on 06/08/2024
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Author Biography

HOWARD SEABORNE is the author of the DIVISIBLE MAN TM series of novels along with a collection of short stories featuring the same cast of characters. Seaborne began writing novels in spiral notebooks at age ten. He began flying airplanes at age sixteen. He is a former certified flight instructor and commercial air charter pilot licensed in single- and multi-engine airplanes as well as helicopters. Today he flies a twin-engine Beechcraft Baron, a single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza, and a Rotorway A-600 Talon helicopter he built from a kit in his garage. Seaborne lives with his wife and writes and flies during all four seasons in Wisconsin, never far from Essex County Airport.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Divisible Man is a work of fiction penned by author Howard Seaborne in the thriller, suspense, and paranormal mystery genres. The work is best suited to mature readers owing to strong language and violent scenes. The plot follows air charter pilot Will Stewart who miraculously survives a plane crash, only to discover he can vanish and defy gravity. As he grapples with this newfound ability and his memory loss from the crash, Will faces an investigation threatening his career and races to rescue a child from abduction, delving into the dangerous world of urban gangs. Seaborne masterfully blends elements of suspense, humor, and heart, keeping readers engrossed in Will's struggle to understand and control his extraordinary abilities.

Author Howard Seaborne has a knack for tension in crafting this thrilling journey into a world of mystery and intrigue. The narrative viewpoint homes in on our hero with wit, pathos, and empathy, and we see Will’s inner workings and become all the more sympathetic to him whilst he’s navigating personal and professional challenges. The superhuman abilities he discovers are woven into this emotive realism in such a way that they feel grounded and logical, which is a masterful technique in speculative fiction that prevents the work from ever feeling too far-fetched or silly. The fast-paced narrative flows well with a lot of great developments, and the ensemble of dynamic characters around Will had me eagerly turning pages to see who he’d meet next. Overall, Divisible Man is a must-read for fans of suspenseful thrillers with a touch of the extraordinary, and I enjoyed every moment of it.

Alicia DeBerry

What would you do with a supernatural ability after a life-altering crash? Howard Seaborne explains one man's choices in Divisible Man. Will Stewart, a licensed air charter pilot, is in an unexplainable crash, one in which the plane broke into pieces. Waking up in the hospital with no memory, he experienced floating six feet above his hospital bed, feeling weightless, and he could not see his body. Upon realizing the vanishing was not his imagination, Will explores the possibilities of his gift. As he recovers and gains more understanding of his new ability, his wife Andy, a police sergeant, is given a case to rescue children from abduction. Entering the world of urban gangs and drugs, will he be able to master his ability to help solve the case?

Howard Seaborne's unique thriller puts a creative spin on the concept of the invisible man in Divisible Man. The suspense builds as Andy and Will work in different ways to find Lane, the abducted child. I was shocked once the villain was exposed. The moments of humor woven into the story defuse the mounting tension in the plot as the action progresses. My favorite was the name-dropped happening revealing the origin of the title. The author addresses social issues, including kidnapping, child trafficking and exploitation, drugs, and gang violence. He exposes the corruption of some political figures and police officers. I recommend this book to readers who enjoy mystery, suspense, and the supernatural mixed with relevant social issues.

Asher Syed

In the supernatural thriller Divisible Man by Howard Seaborne, pilot Will Stewart awakens in a hospital with a broken pelvis and absolutely no memory of the plane crash that got him there. He is the miracle of all miracles and receives pain medication and media attention with gusto. One slight issue though; something has happened that has Will going through bouts of simultaneous invisibility and levitation. Will is cleared for release and goes home with his wife Andy, a woman who earned her sergeant stripes through her own grit. He keeps his powers hidden from her, alongside visits to see the plane wreckage, when he learns he could lose his pilot license. When gangsters kidnap a teenager from their community, Will decides to intervene. With practice, he learns to control his invisibility and sets out to rescue the girl with Andy, confident in his abilities and a very bold plan.

I like that Howard Seaborne has written Will's narrative in the first person, giving us his inner thoughts and observations so our insight, and our connection to Will, is almost immediate. The most fun aspect of this for me is his impressions of the people he encounters, revealing his biases, fears, and aspirations. It can also be horrifying, like when blood is found in a stolen vehicle and the revelation of the missing Lane Franklin's initials. The supernatural elements move along at an organic pace and there is a learning curve to this journey we are on with Will. His powers are strategically employed to advance the plot, with the advantage being Will's ability to vanish and reappear, allowing him to eavesdrop, gather crucial information, and pursue leads that would otherwise be inaccessible. There's a bit of irony there also where Will the pilot can now float above the ground without a plane. Divisible Man is the first book in a series that spans multiple novels that are already released, and I look forward to seeing where it goes next.