Delayed Confession

Fiction - Thriller - General
187 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

Delayed Confession by P. S. Meraux is an intense thriller set in the dynamic environment of journalism. The plot revolves around a differential associate producer named Grace who works in a Columbia newsroom in 1990 and gets involved in a professional conflict alongside some moral dilemmas. When her self-obsessed, abusive manager Liam Dunne comes up with an evil scheme for a fake interview with Tom Cruise, Grace is forced to act. The conflict between Grace as a journalist and the demands of her position is the primary source of tension as the story unfolds, culminating in moments of suspense that raise questions about her principles. The book is an engaging analysis of character, integrity, and self-growth and the choices people may make to preserve their principles.

P. S. Meraux is a talented writer who immerses the reader in the whirl of newsroom work with vivid descriptions and dynamic dialogues. The characters are consistent and believable, and their unique attributes make them appealing to the reader. The continued use of suspense and tension as a narrative tool makes the story captivating as readers wait to see how Grace overcomes different obstacles. The pacing is consistent and enables the reader to follow the events while providing enough time for the characters’ reflections. What sets Delayed Confession apart from other similar novels is that it deals with mature moral questions and challenges the reader with shades of grey instead of clear-cut black-and-white choices within the context of investigative journalism.