Death Book

Fiction - Suspense
270 Pages
Reviewed on 07/18/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Paul Johnson for Readers' Favorite

Archaeologists working at Copán, Honduras recover a rare Mayan Codex called the Book of Death that has been buried for over a millennium. This book predicts cataclysmic events, and particularly those at the end of the current life cycle in December 2012. Before it can be fully researched, the Death Book is lost in a terrible plane crash. Or is it?

A professor, grieving the death of an old friend, stumbles across clues leading him on an adventure of self-discovery, romance, and intrigue. Will the Death Book reveal the key to saving humankind from its ultimate demise? So begins an adventure that blends mystery, romance, and history as Dr. Alfano travels through Honduras to find the lost manuscript—and another chance for love.

"Death Book" is a well written, very interesting story that contains a wealth of Mayan history and theology. While the characters blend well together, the dialog is very good as well, I found the story to be a trifle heavy on history and slightly lighter on suspense. An abundance of non-English words, some translated; some not, was a bit distracting. Overall, a good story that leaves the reader thinking, could it really happen?