City Lights Part 2

Fiction - Thriller - General
331 Pages
Reviewed on 09/30/2024
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Author Biography

I am just a simple writer with a passion for complex story telling and great conversations.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

D.O.L: City Lights Part 2 by Bryan Hill is a thriller about a teenager named Lilly. Things aren’t going well for Lilly and her friends. Now that Nick and Aurora are in a coma, Lilly has no idea if she even has a chance to fight off Cindy. Staying under the radar in a small town in New York, Lilly had no idea her life was about to change in the worst way possible. The only silver lining in this situation was Andrew Windfall, her new guardian. He was a retired Navy SEAL and wasn’t afraid of anything. He was ready to do whatever it took to help Lilly fight against Cindy and the nefarious Black Mambas. With him by her side, Lilly knew she had a good chance of getting her life back, but at what cost? As more secrets are revealed and even bigger questions are posed, was there a chance for Lilly to ever find peace and happiness?

Thrilling, fast-paced, and packed with action, D.O.L: City Lights is a great read. The story was entertaining, making it easy to read. I was excited and looked forward to what would happen next. I loved Andrew and his trusty German Shepard dog Arrow. They were a nice team and made Lilly feel like she had a family. Andrew was everything she needed: a confidant and a trusted friend who she could rely on. Lilly’s character was refreshing and wholesome. I loved how she was smart but not afraid to ask for help when she needed it. The narrative style was strong, the action was thrilling, and the overall feel of the story was wonderful. I loved every aspect of the story and how well it was executed. Author Bryan Hill did a fantastic job, and I cannot wait to read the next book!