Crossing Borders

Book One - The Origin Story

Non-Fiction - Adventure
376 Pages
Reviewed on 09/22/2024
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Author Biography

James M. Goodrich grew up in the thick of Southern California’s nascent surfing culture during the 1950s & ‘60s, an era teaming with opportunities. An early interest in the theater arts spawned a 50-year career in which he has worn a plethora of hats in the entertainment industry that began as a child actor on stage, television, and film and, as he describes, “…graduated to behind the camera,” working in such diverse capacities as, special effects, artist rep/management, Sr. VP Program Development at a television production company, concert promoter, and film producer, among others. These were the publicly recognized positions he held over the decades.

The typically impermanent nature of media projects, especially in the world of film production and concert promotion, allowed Jim to pursue his many other lifelong passions of international yacht racing and cruising, skiing, surfing, and travel between projects throughout the years. The nexus of these activities became the catalyst for a lifetime of documented adventures, including the crossing of borders with contraband, the subject of the series of books he is currently writing.

His introduction to smuggling began as a pre-teen when his parrot-loving mother involved him in her infrequent enterprise of bringing parrots up from Mexico. By his early teens, he had become an accomplished sailor in international yacht racing circles. For three decades Capt. Jim smuggled dozens loads of contraband across international borders all over the world… mostly on board private yachts and always on board adventure… some of epic proportions.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Carol Thompson for Readers' Favorite

Crossing Borders is an exciting journey into the origins of a life that veers off the conventional path into a world of adventure, risk, and, quite literally, border-crossing. James M. Goodrich takes readers on a wild ride, recounting his early years in the 1960s smuggling parrots from Mexico with his mother. It’s a tale that, from the very beginning, hints at the high-stakes life he would later embrace. This first volume sets the stage for what becomes a thirty-year career of crossing borders with contraband. Goodrich paints a picture of a childhood shaped by smuggling and the glitz of the entertainment industry, which he skillfully ties to his future exploits. The narrative moves quickly, providing a feeling of life on the edge.

The photos and news articles make Crossing Borders even more relatable as we “see” James M. Goodrich throughout the years. These real-life artifacts add authenticity to the story. The visuals enrich the reader’s experience, providing a fascinating historical backdrop to his adventures, and the news articles are remarkably clear, so they are easily read. The book offers a mix of nostalgia and adrenaline as Goodrich recounts the moments that defined his path. From his first boatload of marijuana in 1969 to the clever tactics that kept him under the radar, Crossing Borders is packed with jaw-dropping stories that read more like a Hollywood movie than a memoir. Crossing Borders is a must-read for anyone who loves a great adventure book. Goodrich's journey is captivating and full of twists, and his voice is candid and entertaining.

Stewart Deats

Book Review: Crossing Borders: Book One - The Origin Story by James M. Goodrich

In a word: Honest.

Jim Goodrich bravely shares his raw and unfiltered story, not shying away from the moments that some might find embarrassing. This book serves as both a cautionary tale and a testament to personal evolution. With each page, readers are drawn into Jim’s journey, witnessing the challenges he faced and the growth that followed.

I can’t wait for the next volume!

Jim Goodrich

I'd like to thank Carol Thompson at Readers' Favorite for the glowing review and, as a first-time author, I've had more reviews than I ever expected and am currently sporting a 4.7-Star rating on Amazon ...but no one has nailed the crux of how my youthful experiences evolved to make me uniquely qualified to pursue what I once thought was unthinkable. It's truly a case of nature abhorring a vacuum along with having serendipitous turns cast you in to fill the void. Carol clearly grasped that all important link.
I'll be posting an array of various reviews I've received here as soon as I can figure out how to incorporate the Facebook Comments Plugin

Jeff Nadrich

This is a book that I couldn't put down
Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2024
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"I have read many similar period type pieces like this book regarding adventurers and smugglers but none so entertaining, frought with adventure and as well-written as Jim Goodrich's. He has lived a life unlike any other and has so articulately written about his experience to allow, the reader like myself, to join him on his unbelievable adventures, however amazing. There are many movies to be made from this book (as long as the true identities of those involved remain nameless).
I look forward to reading the next volume and chapters of Jim Goodrich's life."
Buy this book, You won't be disappointed!!!
Buy this book!

James W

Reviewed in the United States on September 16, 2023
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Where to start...l've known Jim for 56 years. We were room mates, best buds and remain that to this day. I was his wing man throughout my teens & mid 20's. We sailed together(he taught me to sail), traveled together and had many adventures, some of which are detailed in his book. Enough back story..."Crossing Borders" is a great read by an honest and forthright man who lays it all out for us to see. It's a perilous journey through the 1960's. '70's and beyond about the drug trade, smuggling, sailing and life experiences that shaped the man that Jim is today. The crazy part for me is that he lived to tell the story. Way to go amigo!

Gary Sanders

Well worth the read!
Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2023
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Jim takes you along on a life fully lived. Unlike many adventure stories he starts with his childhood so as things pick up speed you understand the how & why. A great read!

Kerry S. Johnson

True Story World Traveler
Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2023
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Steve Schuster

I know Superman!
Reviewed in the United States on September 15, 2023
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Not only was Jim an actor in movies, Tv, and stage, he's a great skier and surfer! Don't forget yacht racer!
But what's more amazing is he's a great author!
Most presidents autobiographies are co-written by real authors.
Well done young man! Can't wait for number two!
I'm proud to say I graduated high school with this multi talented young man!

David Joseph

Wow, What a Story
Reviewed in Canada on September 29, 2023
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Buckle up and be prepared to be taken on a journey that mirrors Pirates of the Caribbean - for real. Jim's book is a page turning journey through a young man's life to his adrenalin driven exploits that mirror the most outrageous and emotionally challenging stories you are likely ever to read. Mainly because I know Jim Goodrich to be a man of his word and oddly - ethics - in spite of his then temporary illegal occupation. The great news is that Jim has transformed his life not only to the straight and narrow, but to be helpful to his fellow human beings through his gift of sailing and skiing and the countless friends he has helped over the decades.

Clay Anderson

The names were changed to protect the "'guilty"
Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2023
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Great book, Capt'n Jim... finally got us book one. READ IT!

Larry Uzarski

What a great book 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2023
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To learn more about real people that live true stories and adventures

Dave Bruce

Great read.
Reviewed in the United States on October 2, 2023
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Enjoyed the back of the book first and then found it's a great read for anyone on the water.

George Dynes

Good storyteller about an adventurous life
Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2023
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As a fellow ski instructor with Jim l've often enjoyed hearing about his wild adventures. Also, as a retired narcotics detective I appreciated getting a different perspective on the smuggling trade. Can't wait to read more!

JNeanne D

How various pathways in our lives change...sometimes for the good and sometimes not.
Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2023
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Entertaining and action-packed. A great story about how and where experiences in our lives lead us. Definitely the WOW factor. Very well-written.
Can't wait for the next book.

Tom J

This is a great read, hard to put down!
Reviewed in the United States on September 15, 2023
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Well written. Looking forward to book Two! I had to look up a few words, which I like, expanding my vocabulary....

Jeffrey G

Fascinating tales from a fascinating guy
Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2023
Whats most amazing is that he survived it all.
Good story and well written. The writing pulls you in and it's hard to put down.

Bill LeFever

Great read.
Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2023
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What can I say, Jim's book replaced the cell phone, insert smiley here. Jim is a Facebook only (so far) friend due in large part to our homes in the Eastern Sierra and our upbringing in Southern California, surfing, sailing and adventuring, but that is where the similarities end, and his book comes in. Learning about his south of the border exploits was eye opening.
I'm not a big book worm, but this book drew me in and would not let go. It's very detailed in the way that Jim recounts his early sail boat racing and graduation into the smuggling trade. It's a life I had no clue about. Jim's account opened my eyes to a little known to me world and how it operates. I can't wait for book #2 and beyond to complete the story.

William J. Kaiser

And to think this is just the "Origin" story. Can't wait for the other five!
Reviewed in the United States on December 10, 2023
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To say the least, Captain Jim has led an amazing life. His "Origin" story provides a broad view of his early life. Ranging from childhood acting to his first smuggling endeavors as a teenager. In between are stories that range from frightening to hilarious, with few punches pulled. This is a must for anyone with an interest in sailing, flying, drinking, traveling, surfing, laughing, "partaking"... or, of course, smuggling. And actually I believe the real messages had to do with planning, organizing, executing, innovating, improvising and problem solving.
Don't pass this by.

nick o'neill

Reviewed in the United States on December 5, 2023
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The title sums it up. I was captivated by the stories. Where he began and the ride along the way. Some books are written with the destination as the focus point but this book is all about the journey. Not only do the stories hold one's attention but his writing is fluid and engaging. If you enjoy well-told true stories written well and leaving you wanting more than this book is for you. Jim we are all waiting for the next book!

Jennifer Brodt

Amazing, intriguing.
Reviewed in the United States on December 14, 2023
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I very much enjoyed this book. I learned so much about Jim. It was so descriptive, kept me turning the pages until the end. I loved the interesting twists and turns at the end. I'm very much looking forward to book 2. Great read!

R & Z

Very Interesting and Well Written
Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2024
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This book is written from an old sailing friend from decades ago. We had some great adventures together as he was a great teammate, but we had no idea as to Jim's past prior to meeting him. Jim's writing is as brilliant as his sailboat racing abilities and we can't wait to read his next book. Rand and Rochelle

M. Peck

A Swashbuckling Tale of International Intrigue!
Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2023
This book takes you deeply into the life and lore of Jim Goodrich, a child actor, sailor, skier, adventurer, and — wait for it — a smuggler! He explores characters from the world of Disney in the 1970s (Annette Funicello and the man himself, Walt Disney) to a range of characters-oddballs, ex-pats, strong women, backstabbers, rowdies, and mayors. This is a tale of friendship, betrayal, and loyalty among young men who bring their considerable piloting, sailing, and business talents together for the adventure of a lifetime. And there's more to come!

Cameron Snyder

Step into the time machine
Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2024
What a fantastic read! Crossing Borders is a fantastic account of the life and "career" of Captain Jim. Striking similar tones to author Allan Weisbecker, Captain Jim takes you on his journey through Mexico any California via skis, surf, and sail. This book transports the reader to a time where gratification was not always instant. It will make you want to ditch the cell phone, grab a paper map, and go! Can't wait to read the next installment!

Rado P

I have known Capt. Jim nearly two decades and I had the privilege to hear a lot of his stories in person. I was super excited to get his first book and read all the stories in detail. Jim's writing style definitely doesn't come across as on of the rookie writers. All the exciting stories are written in a very colorful way with his typical sense of humor. I can't wait for the second and the third book to be published. Specially since I kind of know some stories that I hope will be included in the next .
Great reading
Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2024

Leroy Mould

Great read!
Reviewed in the United States on March 29, 2024
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I have known Jim since high school, and knew about him before that, since we grew up in the same area. It's great to read his account of some of the experiences he had in the theater and films. It's even more fun to read his account of some of the experiences that he and others of us that were in our circle of friends were having! Some he tells about here were pretty common knowledge and pretty common amongst us all! But what makes this book so much fun to dig into is the other stuff that Jim was doing while the rest of us were following our own paths, most of which did not include flying below the radar to hidden airstrips in Mexico!!! Jim is still as much fun and adventurous today as he was then. Read this book! You'll love it!!

John's Wife

My husband absolutely loved this book!
Reviewed in the United States on November 3, 2023
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(From my husband, John)
Just finished Crossing Borders. I absolutely loved it. It's "my kinda book." The details of 1970s sailing, racing, adventures in Baja California and of course cross-boarder contraband smuggling in such fluid storytelling ... with a great cast of characters on such an epic adventure - supported by an uncanny ability to describe various mental and emotional states. I don't think I've ever read accounts of those "you had to be there" hysterical laughter sessions that have happened to most of us and are so hard to describe - somehow perfectly captured multiple times.
Most importantly the author's character comes through clearly and I feel very honestly. Mr Goodrich is a trustworthy storyteller with Rare stories to tell. Can't wait for the next book.


Mexico in the 70's
Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2023
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Elaborate and successful plans and schemes, backstabbing and retribution, sailing, flying, surfing, women, pilots and friends. Richly detailed, starting as a child star for Disney and sailing, which he still enjoys. The rest you'll just have to discover in the book.