Conversation with Xenex

A journey of spiritually driven self-awakening and unveiling the truths of the cosmos

Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
277 Pages
Reviewed on 09/30/2024
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Author Biography

My name is Adria Sanders. It’s my literary name and it carries many of the specifics of the path that led me to writing and later to publishing.

I was born during the communist bloc in Eastern Europe and lived in a world where there were strict rules and fear was present at every turn.

I am currently a business woman and a mother and someone who took the chance to open herself to her other inner facets and rediscover herself.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Conversation with Xenex by Adria Sanders is a non-fiction spiritual and supernatural memoir that guides readers on a journey of self-awakening and cosmic discovery. Through conversations with Xenex, an otherworldly guide, Sanders unveils profound truths about existence, including past lives, astral projection, and the Akashic Records. The book delves into the mysteries of energy, time, parallel universes, and the concept of twin flames, as the author shares personal experiences of pre-incarnation and a unique mission on Earth. This transcendental voyage invites readers to connect with their true selves and uncover their cosmic purpose.

Author Adria Sanders has crafted a really engaging work that explores all sorts of questions that are sure to be on every spiritual and speculative person’s mind, especially those who have an interest in New Age ideologies already. The author’s ability to weave personal experiences with universal truths creates a compelling narrative that is both intimate and expansive, drawing us into a transformative exploration of self and the cosmos whilst also letting us get to know Adria better. As a result, there’s a natural warmth in the writing that helps it feel inclusive, with explanations that are accessible without any specialist knowledge needed. The vivid descriptions of otherworldly encounters and cosmic phenomena are beautifully crafted, immersing readers in a mystical journey that is both thought-provoking and visually evocative. There are a lot of practical insights and implementations for readers to incorporate into their own lives. Overall, I would certainly recommend Conversation with Xenex as a must-read for the spiritually curious.

Leonard Smuts

Adria Sanders adopts a radical new approach to establishing her spiritual identity in Conversations with Xenex. Seeking answers, she enters therapy and undertakes a journey that begins with the Akashic Records – the etheric library that stores the totality of our words, deeds, and experiences. This opens up meetings with beings from other star systems, the most prominent being the enigmatic Xenex, with whom she had experienced other lifetimes and who continues to influence her earthly sojourn. Together they explore previous incarnations, visiting worlds with vastly different energies and populated by a diverse array of beings. She learns that souls can take on any form that they choose when experiencing other realms. At times the author assumes the identity of a being named Aura during extraterrestrial incarnations. The concept of creation is explored, along with reincarnation, our understanding of time, and impending earth changes. All the while her understanding of her abilities, healing power, and consciousness continues to grow. The future exists in potential and the possibilities are limitless.

Conversations with Xenex explores the complex relationship between incarnated souls, and their spirit guides and twin flames, who are only present in spirit. The difference between twin flames and soul mates is particularly well described. Readers not familiar with the spirit world may struggle with some of the concepts and apparent contradictions that surface as the author uses past life memories to provide a key to who she is. Xenex himself seems to alternate between being a guide, mentor, or romantic partner. Adria Sanders shares her journey, introducing new concepts. At times her search for self is convoluted, but covers fundamental questions such as what constitutes reality when our reality is itself based on perception. As is often the case when exploring the spiritual realms, we continually ask ourselves whether this is our imagination. Readers must draw their conclusions from this fascinating and thought-provoking work, which should be read with an open mind.

Jamie Michele

In her memoir, Conversation with Xenex, author Adria Sanders details her experiences with non-terrestrial entities and metaphysical realms, which transformed her from a skeptic to a believer in extraordinary dimensions. Her exploration included accessing the Akashic Records, a metaphysical repository of souls' past and future lives, through hypnosis and meditation. Sanders communicated with the Lord of Records and other entities, such as, and most significantly in this memoir, Xenex from the planetary council, and accessed texts revealing past lives, including one where she managed energy forms and treated individuals. Her interactions included guidance on alien civilizations, energy healing, and spiritual development. Sanders documented these experiences between 2022 and 2024, focusing on soul missions, astral journeys, and the impact of extraterrestrial interactions on human emotions.

Conversation with Xenex offers a deeply intimate exploration of the Akashic Records, a universal spiritual concept, through Adria Sanders' first-hand experiences. Sanders effectively conveys complex metaphysical themes with comfortable, clean writing, making abstract spiritual ideas relatable and accessible. Sanders effectively opens the portal of information that addresses fundamental questions of identity and purpose, which will resonate with readers who are on or wish to explore similar paths of self-discovery. I really enjoyed her vivid, visual descriptions, particularly in her titular conversations with Xenex, which felt authentic and extremely informative. Sanders' writing is engaging and thoughtful, making this memoir not only fascinating but also surprisingly relatable. I imagine this book will be embraced by readers who are interested in understanding beyond the realm we inhabit, and who are open to new ideas and concepts.