Colors of Truth

Fiction - Drama
298 Pages
Reviewed on 07/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Colors of Truth is a work of fiction in the coming-of-age, interpersonal drama, and recent history genres. Penned by author Paula Paul, the tale follows Caroline and Pearlie, two teenage girls in 1950s Texas. Despite living in the same town, their lives differ greatly: Caroline is a white farm girl, while Pearlie is a black girl who, along with her family, works on Caroline’s family farm during the summer. They ride the same bus to separate schools. Through the alternating narratives of this deeply moving and thought-provoking read, the plot reveals how their lives become intertwined during a pivotal summer, culminating in a murder that impacts both girls deeply.

The alternating voices of Caroline and Pearlie provide a profound insight into their contrasting yet interconnected lives, and these voices are confidently crafted with deep emotional ties and brilliant thought presentation. Caroline's perspective highlighted the privileges and struggles of a white farming family, while Pearlie's narrative vividly portrayed the harsh realities of racial segregation and labor in the 1950s, and both sides were developed with respect and understanding. The murder mystery element added a great sense of suspense and urgency once the plot got rolling, but more importantly, it served as a catalyst for examining deeper social issues, and this always stayed central to the story and deeply relevant in everything that played out. The repercussions of the murder on both girls' lives poignantly illustrated the pervasive impact of racism and inequality with a fascinating and realistic look at the complexities of friendship and justice in a segregated society. Overall, Colors of Truth by author Paula Paul is an accomplished and unforgettable read that I would not hesitate to recommend.

Bonnie Auxier

5.0 out of 5 stars The Cotton Fields
Reviewed in the United States on January 18, 2024
Verified Purchase
A book I couldn’t put down! I had seen this book advertised and had even read excerpts from it, but I passed it up several times. Finally, after seeing it in so many different places and reading the reviews, I decided to give it a go. The story was written about the early days of segregation and how coloreds and whites forbidden to be friends. How blacks were seated at the front of the school bus, so they could be watched closely and dropped off at a dilapidated building while the white students went to a more traditional school. Caroline complimented Pearlie’s hairdo and Perlie got in trouble for looking back at Caroline by “Hutch”the bus driver,….and the story begins. An amazing story of life,love, friendship, death, and consequences.

Marilyn DeShields

I read this book for my own reading interest. Although this story is in a different era, unfortunately the beliefs of some of the characters hold true today. But, I'm glad that I read the book; it is mostly the enlightening of children from different backgrounds, their fights with what's in their heart, and, what they have been taught. I smiled, feared, and cried. It was a very good read.

Nancy Ryan

I took a chance on this book because of it's price! I often put books on my Kindle. and listen to them when I am walking. I ended up sitting for hours captivated by this book. At bedtime I would stay awake thinking of Caroline, Dottie, and Pearlie until I would have to start reading into the wee hours of morning. I can't say enough about this wonderful writer who so completely shapes her character, creates a vivid setting, and delivers such an unforgettable story. I hated for the story to end, and thought of deducting a star because the ending was somewhat contrived and disappointing. I hated that such long time had passed, giving Hal and Caroline limited time to rekindle a lost love.... How Pearlie had become less introverted was a little far fetched. Still I will love this story and consider it one of my all time favorites.


I loved this story. So down to earth. Had a great surprising ending, I reread the ending . you won't be disappointed.
I'll look for more books by this author

Peggie Bell

This book gives a clear picture of the unfair treatment of life in the south during the early sixties, and the bigotry and prejudice that sadly still takes place among some folks. Often, white children were sheltered from the truth, and truth was often only accepted from white people. But this book shows that truth really has no color; it simply is. This book paints a sad, yet vivid picture of life in the 60's, though some small points were missed in the author's research. Example; one of the main characters read The Lord of the Flies, in 1961, but that novel wasn't published until 1964. Other slight changes in history were made, and shouldn't have been made.

Danae Genzler

Extremely good story. Held my interest from the very first page. The characters were relatable. It explained prejudice and the associated hatred that is difficult to understand today. My feelings were palpable while reading this book. It is one of my favorite books in year

Cloudy Sparrow

Good book about the loss of innocence of a young woman in West Texas in the 1950s. Unexpected twists and turns.

Vicki Dooley

This book held my attention from start to finish. In fact, I read it in a day! I loved the characters and reading about Caroline’s awakening to the evil in her community and country. Her sense of outrage as she realizes the happenings in the war and sees the racism in her own community propels her to act in ways that she never thought possible.

Darlene Johnson

This was a pretty good story and I think it would be a blessing to someone that has endured abuse and all the lies.


Loved the relationships between the characters. Had a great twist .
Recommended to friend. Great story line...enjoyed the book!!! Great!


Tough to find the right words-this book brought out many emotions, and still was surprised at the end. I could say more but reading it will be worth your time.

Loretta Smith

From beginning to the end was captivating. What would happen next? The characters just drew one into their lives. Very well written!!


I couldn't put it down. Excellent read.


An intriguing story simply told with an end you don’t see coming. Tough truths of the time presented matter of factly.


This story was written in such a way as to put the reader right there with the action! I couldn't put it many twists and turns. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to read another of her books!

Amazon Customer

The story came together perfectly, the characters were endearing and the ending was beautiful. I couldn't ask for anything more in a book. If this book isn't made into a movie then we'll all miss out on a potential best picture. The setting is a small sagebrush town in Texas in the 1950's with the people living ordinary lives that are shattered when one of their own suffers a beating at the hands of an unknown assailant until the sheriff starts poking around. That should be enough information to rile up some interest and your inquisitive mind will be well rewarded, especially when read the last page!

Pamela Parnell

I love how the lives of the two girls are woven together. I felt I was standing in the very room they stood.


It’s a true gift to not know how a story will end, or figure out where it’s going because it’s too obvious. I’m blown away. I’ll look for more books by Paula Paul, she’s won me over!