Color-by-Word Family

Children - Educational
87 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Astrid Iustulin for Readers' Favorite

Are you a parent or teacher who needs a book to help your kids or students master phonics skills? Would you like children to have a workbook that makes learning word families enjoyable? Dalton R. Downey's Color-by-Word Family is the perfect tool to assist you with this important task. This valuable workbook divides the word families into various sections, with one page dedicated to each of them. Children can do activities such as coloring the correct words, writing six words from each word family, changing some words to others, and completing sentences by choosing the right word. At the end of each section, they will have even more fun coloring cute animals by selecting the right color for each word family.

I am always grateful when I find books like Color-by-Word Family because they help educate children in a fun way. Dalton R. Downey provides young learners with engaging tasks that pique their curiosity and do not bore them; most importantly, this workbook enables them to learn essential phonics skills effortlessly. I found it really helpful that each word family has its own page because it makes things clearer and easier to understand. I also liked that the book included appealing pictures of animals for kids to color; this made it even easier for them to remember what they had learned. I believe Color-by-Word Family offers excellent tools to facilitate education, and I recommend it to any parent or teacher who needs a guide to introduce young readers to this subject.