Between Darkness & Light

War of Destiny 3

Fiction - Paranormal
466 Pages
Reviewed on 09/09/2024
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Author Biography

Theresa Van Spankeren lives in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois with her husband. She has been writing since an early age, and came up with the idea for the War of Destiny series in high school. She is also an avid reader of multiple genres. When she isn’t reading or writing, she enjoys hiking and swimming. She also loves checking out local haunted places.

The writers who have had a large influence and inspiration include Christopher Pike, Karen Robards, L.J. Smith, and Stephen King. She was also inspired by "The X-Files", "Witch Hunter Robin" and "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer".

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jefto Pierre for Readers' Favorite

Between Darkness & Light is the third book in Theresa Van Spankeren's War of Destiny series. The story takes place five years after the events that unfolded in book two. Julia finds herself in a precarious place--mentally and emotionally. After betraying her ka-tet to King Valentino, the king of vampires, her friends have begun to shun her. They believe Julia is of unsound mind. After all, she's hearing voices and receiving visions she can't quite explain. Julia reaches out to Matthew, a former ally. He is wary of her, but Julia convinces him to locate Samuel. Their quest is fraught with many challenges. They soon realize there is a dark force operating from behind the shadows. Amid the suspense and danger, Julia's apparitions continue to communicate with her. Will she come to terms with her abilities? Will Matthew and Julia uncover the truth before it's too late? Can they reunite with Samuel? Will Julia ever make amends with her ka-tet?

Between Darkness & Light is an intriguing vampire saga that delves into mental health issues, betrayal, love, loss, forgiveness, and redemption. It is teeming with paranormal elements, fantasy, and adventure. Theresa Van Spankeren does a stellar job with the world-building sequences throughout the novel. She includes just the right amount of action, suspense, political intrigue, hidden motives, tension, and shocking plot twists. As always, Julia's characterization stands out above the rest. I was interested in discovering how Julia would navigate the aftermath of her betrayal. I was very eager to observe her new dynamic with Samuel and the other ka-tet members. Her betrayal left Samuel in a particularly vulnerable state. Samuel and Julia dealt with her deception differently, yet their actions were authentic and relatable. Their susceptibility added depth to the storyline--this is why readers are captivated by these iconic characters. At the same time, Matthew and Julia share a mutual respect that plays out well in the novel. Fans of dark fantasy fiction won't be disappointed. Grab this must-read today.