Angels Falling

Fiction - Thriller - Conspiracy
342 Pages
Reviewed on 04/05/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Zozzaro for Readers' Favorite

In Angels Falling by Mike Krentz, the murder of an archbishop in a cathedral in Washington DC mystifies local police. The crime scene is shocking in its brutality and is also laden with symbolism. There are few clues and the police call in two experts to assist. Pete Sullivan is a profiler, while Maria Santos is a forensic psychologist. On arrival, they are shocked by the harrowing sight, as well as each other’s presence. Pete and Maria share a past event that shaped both of their futures, but not necessarily in the desired manner. The murder of the archbishop brings up painful memories, yet Pete and Maria need to overcome their personal feelings to solve the case. The murder of a priest with similar cruelty increases the urgency for identifying and catching the ruthless killer or killers.

Angels Falling by Mike Krentz combines a thrilling mystery with all the frailties of human nature. The tragedy of abuse and human trafficking are never comfortable subjects. The strength of faith in religious institutions forms the core of this powerful story, which will resonate with many readers. Pete and Maria are damaged by the past, yet they excel in their respective professions and must compromise. Their adversary is diabolical but no less cunning and tortured. The tension begins with the vicious murder of the ill-fated archbishop and doesn’t waver until the conclusion. A riveting story from start to finish.