And...So We Walked

The Inspirational Story of a Couple's Walk Across America

Non-Fiction - Memoir
238 Pages
Reviewed on 08/02/2023
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Author Biography

Rick and Jane McKinney have lived an extraordinary life of ministry. Once described as “mavericks,” they have literally stepped out into the unknown to embrace God’s call and have experienced His presence in a way that only comes through a life of obedience. Whether planting and pastoring churches, traveling the world to perform concerts, building a house in Mexico, traveling from village to village in India, or walking across America, they have followed His voice as He led them forward, one step at a time.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

And…So We Walked is a memoir about Rick and Jane McKinney’s spiritual walk across mainland America. Starting at the Santa Monica pier in California, the couple traveled to Washington, D.C., from January 1, 2006, to July 4, 2006. They spread the Christian gospel as they walked and encountered many people who allowed them to share the good news. The walk presented many challenges, like wild dogs, spontaneous allergic reactions, and people who were unresponsive to their attempts to help them know Jesus better, but the couple persevered. The McKinneys averaged distances of around twenty miles a day and felt that the Lord prepared the way for them.

Rick and Jane McKinney’s roadside adventures are compelling. Just when you think their journey couldn’t get stranger, harder, or more fascinating, they meet a practicing Wiccan, endure a severe accident that involves terribly painful burns, and hear footsteps on an empty stretch of road. The story is meticulously detailed. Jane McKinney took extensive notes as she journaled their experience, and the full-color photographs bring their explorations to life. As a Christian, it’s hard to read their words without feeling inspired to go on a similar journey, even if it’s to walk the same stretch of your city or hometown in search of people who need to hear about Jesus. And…So We Walked is an important book that shares many eye-opening revelations about other groups of people Christians should embrace in the name of Jesus. The McKinneys’ story should be shared with Christians who may need a little motivation to follow God’s calling.