Adiel and the Führer

A Thought-Provoking Tale of Alternate History (Project 613)

Fiction - Time Travel
332 Pages
Reviewed on 11/28/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Adiel and the Führer: A Thought-Provoking Tale of Alternate History (Project 613) is a work of fiction penned by author Elyse Hoffman in the time travel, alternative history, and sociocultural issues subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. In this uniquely gripping tale of alternate history and the moral dilemma of altering the past, we are introduced to Adiel Goldstein, a German Jew. Adiel faces the rise of Hitler and a chance to prevent the Holocaust. The story navigates the complexities of Adiel's life, balancing the desire for a better future with the fear of altering history's course. The narrative explores personal and political threads, portraying the emotional struggle of Adiel, torn between preserving his family and potentially changing the course of a catastrophic event.

Author Elyse Hoffman has used her narrative prowess to craft an atmospheric and truly riveting reading experience, challenging preconceptions about the consequences of altering historical events and tackling thought-provoking questions about the ethical implications of time travel. The novel captures the tension of the era perfectly in its dialogue exchanges and descriptive prose, exploring the human cost of confronting an evil that has not yet fully revealed itself. I also found the character work to be quite exceptional, getting into some really unusual mindsets with convincing levels of emotional, religious, and cultural conviction to deliver well-informed attitudes that speak empathetically of the people who went through the true atrocities of World War II. Overall, I would highly recommend Adiel and the Führer as a daring and emotionally resonant work that leaves a lasting impact, and one that history and science fiction fans alike are sure to enjoy.