Aaron's Last Day

A Novelette

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
38 Pages
Reviewed on 05/21/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

In Aaron's Last Day, a short story by Phillip Johnson, Aaron knows his time is growing short, but he doesn't dwell on it. He creates a little space between his overprotective mother and himself, hoping for a shred of autonomy. His mother, Hannah, has to work two days a week for an employer who degrades her, so Aaron spends some of the time she's away with Mr. Verrine. Feeling weary, Mr. Verrine finds ways to pass judgment on humans as he sits in his easy chair. Some see his interventions as merely mischievous while others would view his judgments as shocking. Aaron senses something amiss with his neighbor, but a dream shakes the foundation of what he believes and reality. Johnson relates the story using multiple perspectives but all through the watchful eyes of the time-worn Mr. Verrine.

With his eloquent writing and extensive vocabulary, Phillip Johnson describes a day that changed several lives. He casually addresses the gruesomeness of death and revenge and details unconditional love through more than just outright statements. What happens when an ancient being tires of the world around him? Johnson answers that question and shows that no matter their wisdom, a classical entity's actions may be directly influenced by the humans around them. Readers will move through a range of emotions as they devour the story, absorbing the impactful message and allowing it to resonate. The brevity of the prose makes Johnson's work fully digestible in our fast-paced society and the dark themes will hold the interest of wondering minds. Readers who enjoy short, well-written stories will love Aaron's Last Day.