A Husband Out Of This World:

Lab Soreno

Young Adult - Fantasy - Urban
224 Pages
Reviewed on 07/18/2024
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Author Biography

Deovandski Skibinski Junior, a proud Brazilian at heart and North Dakotan by choice, is a multifaceted author with a knack for weaving captivating isekai narratives. Renowned for his mouth-watering churrasco skills, Deovandski is an adventurous spirit, often found ice fishing in North Dakota, beer in hand. An ardent anime enthusiast, his love for the genre is reflected in his vivid storytelling and complex characters. The influence of Miku no Hi Kanshasai 39's Giving Day concert on Deovandski was profound, sparking his interest in computer science, a passion that has since intertwined with his love for writing. With 'A Husband Out of this World,' Deovandski invites readers to explore the thrilling, whimsical, and sometimes eccentric universe he has crafted. -

    Book Review

Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers' Favorite

Harry awakens with no memory of his past other than losing a duel with Maiara, a princess of the Sanbi kingdom. As a consequence of that defeat, he must abide by the terms of the contract he agreed to, which stipulates he must carry out the duties of the Sanbi-Eye. King Itagiba is happy with Harry's new role within the kingdom, but his consort, Queen Neferteri, seems to have other plans in store for the young lad, in keeping with the fine print of his contract. She devises a scheme that will align his usefulness with her plans for the kingdom. Only time will tell how Harry fares in A Husband Out Of This World by Deovandski Skibinski Junior.

Drawing inspiration from the Japanese storytelling genre Isekai Anime, Deovandski Skibinski Junior's distinctive novel skillfully combines a captivating plot with elegant world-building to produce a one-of-a-kind work that will appeal to fans of mainstream fantasy. Magical characters with unique qualities, like the Darfaries, whose size belies their cheerful nature, are all part of the imaginative character development. The conversations between the characters are entertaining as the author fluidly transitions from serious to comedic. Whatever the topic of discussion, there is always a sensual undertone to every move and statement made by the main and supporting cast members. In a distinct storytelling style, Skibinski combines this with a gradual pace to create amazingly vivid borderline sexual episodes in an exciting adventure that pops off the pages, thanks to Mitsukiven's vibrant illustration. I enjoyed reading A Husband Out Of This World and look forward to the next installment in this entertaining series.