A Good Rush of Blood

Fiction - Mystery - General
312 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

Creely Nash was only fourteen years old when she decided that she was tired of her miserable mother, Blossom Nash, and her unhappy life. She hopped on a train out of Palm Springs and never looked back. Thirty years later Creely was a drug runner for a kingpin called Animal, up north in Portland. Everything seemed to be going well for her until Animal sent her to Palm Springs for business. She was surprised to learn that her mother had been convicted of murder. Blossom Nash had killed a teenage boy twenty years before, but somehow Creely believed this was not true. At least that’s what Blossom had convinced her when Creely visited her in jail. In a bid to find justice for her mother, Creely dove deeper into the case. With a dangerous kingpin after her, Creely finds herself treading a treacherous path as she uncovers dark secrets together with a gay divorcee and an adventurous librarian. Get yourself a copy of A Good Rush of Blood by Matt Phillips to discover more.

A Good Rush of Blood by Matt Phillips is just what you need if you are looking for a mystery murder laden with a touch of crime. This fast-paced whodunit features an intriguing plot, spell-binding twists, and cliffhangers. The plot is based on a compelling tale of childhood trauma, backstabbing, death threats, murder, trust, friendship, drugs, money, deadbeat parents, sex workers, reporters, dirty cops, ruthless kingpins, underdogs, and hitmen. Creely is a lonely, no-nonsense, level-headed, fierce woman whose childhood left her scarred, broken, and deeply flawed. Deep down, her toughened heart had so much love and kindness. I could understand why she had the urge to help the same mother who had never done anything remotely good for her. With vivid descriptions and attention to detail, the author’s way of bringing out the complex qualities of the role-players opens up a whole new world of adventure, drama, and agony.