A Cage For Magpie

Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Christian Sia for Readers' Favorite

In A Cage for Magpie, EM Pope introduces readers to a hauntingly moving tale that explores grief, loss, and the psyche of a young girl dealing with the loss. Set against the chilly backdrop of Missouri, the story centers on young Maggie Mae DuVane—affectionately called Magpie—who is struggling with the sudden death of her beloved grandfather, David. The weight of this tragedy is compounded by her yearning for a mother who has long since abandoned her, effectively presenting Magpie as a symbol of lost innocence. Before his untimely demise, David Duncan DuVane had been working on his final novel, Never Cage a Magpie, and after his death, his best friend Connor picked up the novel. Surprisingly, it seems to predict the events unfolding in David’s life, including his death. Can Connor pierce the mystery and find answers, can Magpie ever come to terms with the loss of her hero, and can Caroline, the widow, ever understand the darkness that drove her late husband to death?

This book is utterly immersive, a mystery with strong psychological underpinnings. The idea of a book within a book with a story that eerily mirrors David’s descent into darkness is brilliant, and it raises questions about the artistic process intertwined with personal tragedy. This literary device stimulates a deep curiosity, compelling both the characters in the story and readers to seek the truth behind David’s chaos. The characters are beautifully crafted, each so cleverly rendered to feel real and relatable. Connor, David’s closest friend, becomes a vessel for the reader’s quest for understanding, while Caroline shows the anguished heart of a wife left in the wake of despair. Magpie's journey through grief genuinely resonates, creating a bridge between the reader and her profound sorrow. A Cage for Magpie is a rich literary creation that will transport readers.

This is an accomplished audiobook. The narration is delivered in a clear and enticing voice. I particularly enjoyed having multiple characters work on the drama, and the voice of little Maggie comes out clearly. The expert reading renders the drama in EM Pope’s novel palpable.