180 Days

Infidelity. Architecture. Punk Rock. Clonazepam.

Fiction - Literary
356 Pages
Reviewed on 02/29/2024
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Author Biography

Alfredo Botello's next novel, "Spin Cycle: Notes from a Reluctant Caregiver," about the challenges of caring for an aging parent, will be published by Koehler Books on 1.14.25.

His website is alfredobotello.com. His Instagram is alfredo_botello_author.

Botello's background: he is a screenwriter who has worked on projects ranging from the indie Sundance Global Short La Revolucion De Iguodala to the studio tent pole Fast and Furious 9. He is a Fulbright Fellow in architecture and a Nicholl Fellow in screenwriting.

In addition to screenplays and the novels 180 Days and Spin Cycle, he has written for The San Francisco Examiner Magazine, Metropolis, Diablo, Surface, The Utne Reader, Style, The East Bay Express, and The Monthly.

Botello also co-owns a dive bar in downtown Oakland, Radio Bar, and at home dotes on his two Corgis, George and Dotty.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Penned by author Alfredo Botello, 180 Days is a work of fiction in the literary, drama, relationships, and family life subgenres. It is best suited to adult readers owing to some strong language, as well as sexual references and discussion of suicide. The plot follows Tomas Araeta and Naomi Curran as their marriage faces a critical juncture. When Tomas strays with a client, Naomi files for divorce, triggering California's mandatory six-month waiting period. Now, with just 180 days before the divorce is finalized, Tomas must win Naomi back. As they navigate their intertwined journeys, they encounter various characters and challenges that force them to confront their own identities and desires. From a reclusive punk-rock star to architectural wonders, they grapple with questions of validation, self-image, and the future of their relationship. On Day 180, they must decide what they truly want and whether they still envision a future together.

Author Alfredo Botello has crafted a moving and character-driven literary work that masterfully delves into the emotional landscape of marriage, portraying the characters' struggles with authenticity and depth. There’s a poignant narrative style that keeps us right on the shoulders of the central pair, hearing every word of their dynamic dialogue and all those clues between the lines that intensify as the story progresses. The pacing keeps the reader engaged as Tomas and Naomi confront their individual demons and navigate the challenges of reconciliation, shifting between different focal points and playing out a good progression of emotive highs and lows that feel naturally placed. The themes of self-discovery and personal growth resonate deeply, prompting reflection on one's own relationships and aspirations. The lingering message about what we truly want out of life stayed with me long after I put the book down. Overall, 180 Days is a compelling narrative and a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the complexities of relationships that I would not hesitate to recommend.