Etsy Business Launch
Do you want to make money by selling on Etsy? Do you want to make lots of money? Then Etsy Business Launch by Alyssa and Garrett Garner is the book for you. You may be a complete novice at selling or an old pro, but...
Do you want to make money by selling on Etsy? Do you want to make lots of money? Then Etsy Business Launch by Alyssa and Garrett Garner is the book for you. You may be a complete novice at selling or an old pro, but...
A Breast Cancer Journey: Living It One Step at a Time is a work of non-fiction in the health issues, social issues, and personal memoir subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience owing to some explicit medical descriptions and a candid...
Being a woman in a male-dominated society is challenging, where being a single mom is seen as immoral and a bad societal influence. The Kintsugi Moms by Dr. Haseena Chokkiyil is a collection of stories from single mothers with health issues and their journey toward...
Collaborative Confidence by Heather Backstrom is a guide for ambitious women who wish to be great leaders and contribute to the growth of others. The author has formulated a three-step plan to help you achieve these goals. The steps are Activate, Amplify, and Accelerate. In...
In her eye-opening work, Communicate with Courage: Taking Risks to Overcome the Four Hidden Challenges, Michelle D Gladieux encourages us to take intelligent communication risks and grow as communicators. In her narrative, courage refers to the ability to face and address dysfunctional elements of communication...
Leading Through Inflation: And Recession and Stagflation by Ram Charan and Geri Willigan is an educational guide for business owners and entrepreneurs to tackle inflation. It lays out the hazards of inflation and how it impacts businesses and provides hands-on advice for dealing with it....
Wonderhell: Why Success Doesn't Feel Like It Should . . . and What to Do About It is a work of non-fiction in the motivational writing, self-help, and inspirational subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience and was penned by author...
The Non-Obvious Guide to Better Presentations by Jacqueline Farrington is a self-help book with a checklist to help the reader know why, how, and what to present during presentations. Jacqueline discusses what is expected before and during the presentation. The tools, tips, and techniques to...
Nowadays, there is no marked difference between physical and digital commerce. That is why any business should open suitable communication channels with its customers to maximize sales opportunities. Digital Marketing: Pearls of Wisdom covers different aspects, from generating an email correctly to marketing management in...
Our past experiences shape our mindset and tremendously impact how we perceive, analyze, and approach any event or situation in our lives. Despite being raised in a dysfunctional home, Soren Kaplan went on to become the leader of a strategy team of a Fortune 500...