Mercy: A Novel by Steve Crown is a satirical short story about everyday life and the struggles most of us have to go through in the 21st century. We are introduced to Mercy, a sweet baby boy born into a rich family. However, his life...
Mercy: A Novel by Steve Crown is a satirical short story about everyday life and the struggles most of us have to go through in the 21st century. We are introduced to Mercy, a sweet baby boy born into a rich family. However, his life...
Murder Returns to the Precipice by Penny Goetjen commences when Elizabeth Pennington discovers a body in the gym, partially crushed under the barbells. She doesn’t have long to notify the authorities and clean up before an Australian rock musician arrives with his entourage. The blows...
Music From a Strange Planet: Stories by Barbara Black is a work of fiction and a short story anthology in a variety of subgenres. It is best suited to the adult reading audience or mature YA readers. In this varied and enjoyable collection, the author...
Music Notes is a collection of seven short stories about singers from varied backgrounds trying to get by in a world where the pursuit of art and success sometimes produce mixed results. Written by J.J. Maze with some eye-catching line drawings by Indonesian illustrator Ryan...
Mother Knows Best is a short story by Valerie Allen. Bobby has finished high school and is working as a dishwasher in a restaurant to pay for his car insurance while he continues to live at home. His parents Maggie and Jimmy are extremely agitated...
Meandering: Stories of Past, Present and Future is a work of fiction in the short story collection subgenre. It features a variety of tales from science fiction to fantasy and speculative themes and was penned by author team Francis Mont and Vera Mont. The works...
Malone Ridge by James K. Dill follows a young woman's journey as she navigates the trials and tribulations of life to carve out a path for herself. Eve Malone was the star cross-country runner of her high school, eager to pursue further studies in college....
Muskets and Minuets by Lindsey Susan Fera is a historical fiction epic that revolves around an 18th-century tomboy named Annalisa Howlett. Set in colonial America in the years preceding the American Revolution, Annalisa is having none of the restrictions placed on her as a teenager...
Magnolia Song: A Saga of the New South by J. Robert Towery is a monumental saga of love, loss, community, and familial relationships, set in Memphis, Tennessee, and elsewhere around the deep south of the United States. It tells of the interlocking relationships within a...
Once upon a time, Gianna Roberts was a sergeant in the army who had the job of Army Motor Transport Operator. Unfortunately, a series of unfortunate incidents leaves her with a desire for drinking excessively despite having a son. Fortunately, Nate introduces her to a...