Wind in the Elephant Tree

Poetry - Love/Romance
135 Pages
Reviewed on 08/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Terrie Sizemore for Readers' Favorite

Wind in the Elephant Tree by Earl Vincent de Berge is a collection of poems readers will revel in. Many of the poems are of Suzanne, the love of his life. It’s amazing how Earl notices and cherishes every detail about Suzanne. The words of each poem are precisely chosen and make each one come to life, allowing the reader to feel and experience what Earl does. Earl also writes of a lifetime of experience. He includes unique places where he and Suzanne lived, people they met, his maturing and enduring love for Suzanne, and their creation of a non-profit called ‘Seeds for a Future’ to help those in need. Earl comes full circle and shares his aging challenges and frailty, as well as the friends he and Suzanne made along the way. I think, in a word, reflection describes this book and encourages us all to reflect on our journeys.

Wind in the Elephant Tree by Earl Vincent de Berge is a wonderful collection of poems with prose and photos interspersed. Earl’s opening lines struck me the most. “The book title, Wind in the Elephant Tree, traces to a time when, at age 20…. I came to realize that although I was strong …..I could perish in the desert and no one would care except ants, vultures and maybe my younger sister. The realization that neither I nor anyone else, is the center of the universe has never faded.” The poet and Wind in the Elephant Tree prompt me to reflect on the world around me – the lives and plants that exist without my knowledge. But at times I stumble upon them. I don’t always notice their beauty and existence, but sometimes I do and I need to see the beauty and value in all that surrounds me and help in any way I can.