Who Is Driving Your Bus?

Children - Picture Book
22 Pages
Reviewed on 06/09/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bryone Peters for Readers' Favorite

Who is Driving Your Bus? by Shannon Sonnenberg is a fantastic story for young readers. Niko plays with his toy bus and pretends to be the bus attendant. The bus driver represents his inner emotions. The bus and who is driving it are analogous to how he handles his feelings and subsequent behavior. In class, he feels several emotions from one moment to the next. He does not understand the importance of controlling his emotions. Unfortunately, something awful happens. And it could not have happened in a worse place, at school! He makes an unwise decision when he allows his impulsive emotion to take over his actions. Is it a clever idea to act on what is on your mind? How do you control your emotions, especially the negative ones? 

Who is Driving Your Bus? by Shannon Sonnenberg is a most enjoyable story. The color scheme is wonderfully different. I loved the rich darks and illuminating contrasting colors. The emotions portrayed in every picture of Niko kept me glued to each page. It made me want to see what would happen next. The story has an important lesson in life skills. Some children may not comprehend the meaning of the story right away. Therefore, the story can be a starting point for a discussion with a parent or teacher. Many stories for children are fun. However, Shannon's story helps to do more than that. She teaches a lesson in responsibility and self-control colorfully and insightfully. That is reason enough to recommend this book.