
A Jason Michelson Legal Thriller

Fiction - Thriller - Legal
334 Pages
Reviewed on 07/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lucinda E Clarke for Readers' Favorite

In Brooke Holmes' Unjust, Jason Michelson is hired by one of the most prestigious law firms in Minneapolis and works an average of 120 hours a week. He lives frugally and, as a workaholic, he is a rising star in Goldstein Brandt Miller and Fredrickson as a fourth-year associate in the commercial law section. He loved his profession but was dismayed when he was instructed to add extra to his caseload with one hundred hours of pro bono work. He is directed to help Rachel Nix in the case of Maxwell Williams who, forty years earlier, had been sentenced for raping and killing his girlfriend. Now evidence had come to light and they were tasked with preparing for a new trial to exonerate the innocent victim. Despite a rocky start, Jason and Rachael are attracted to each other and work hard to prepare a new defense and maybe discover who murdered Amelia Marie Jackson. Weaving through the intricacies of the law does not make life easier, and the outcome is not what they expected.

I enjoyed reading Unjust by Brooke Holmes and despite knowing that the law is not fair, the points made are shocking. The story is so believable and authentic since Holmes is a lawyer and knows her subject intimately. To a reader not familiar with the legal profession, the author clearly describes the various points of law as Jason and Rachel work hard to prepare a case for a wrongly accused man and secure his release from jail. It is heartwarming to know that there are non-government organizations that attempt to right the wrongs of an unjust law. A large part of the book is the trial and I was riveted to the pages as the prosecution and defence argue their cases. Once I started reading, it was difficult to put this book down. The characters leaped off the page as they were so realistically drawn and you cared about them, always a sign of a good book. It never flags in pace and the developing romance between Jason and Rachel adds an extra dimension. Holmes takes us behind the scenes to share what really happens in a court of law and it is a fascinating read. Highly recommended.