Trouble In Glamour Town

Fiction - Mystery - Historical
202 Pages
Reviewed on 05/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers' Favorite

Rosie, Eddie, Beatrice and Detective Frank Lozano are the fictional characters who, along with real name stars like Lon Chaney and Clara Bow, are the stars of Trouble in Glamour Town by S.R. Mallery. Rosie is the young Hollywood starlet, Eddie is her boyfriend. Beatrice is her typical, pushy mother, helped by their friend and building superintendent, Walt Madison. While Rosie has a bit part in a movie being filmed at Medford Studios, Mr. Harris, the producer, is shot and killed. Detective Lozano is assigned the case and there are many twists and turns until the real killer is revealed.

There are several top choices as to who the killer might be, but few clues to prove and close the case. Rosie is acting mostly because she is trying to please her mother, but she doesn’t really fit in with the Hollywood crowd. She become friends with Clara Bow who tries to guide Rosie and help her learn the ways of being a star. Eddie, who truly loves Rosie, tries his best to protect and always be there for her, no matter what. As the story quickly moves along, there is mystery, romance, murder and more, but I don’t want to give away all of the secrets; you will have to read it for yourself to find out the answers.

Trouble in Glamour Town transports us back to the Roaring Twenties of 1926. Trouble in Glamour Town is very historically accurate, portraying the real workings of the Hollywood sleaze, dishonesty and corruption happening at that time. S.R. Mallery is a gifted author who drew me into the story from the first word and kept me reading until the very last page. I cheered for Rosie, wanted to believe in Eddie, and was saddened by Beatrice’s feelings. S.R. Mallery's Trouble in Glamour Town is an old fashioned type of murder mystery story and is a very goodread.