To Finding Healthy

Strengthen your resolve, fight disease, and win the fat war

Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
438 Pages
Reviewed on 11/21/2023
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Author Biography

Katy lives in southern Texas with her three mini-explorers and per- sonal security guard of 16 years. She doesn’t go anywhere without her shadow, Noodle, a 9-pound dachshund who is stronger than he looks. Katy is an overachiever in all things health-related and, luckily, has a large following of all five of her household members.
When she is not learning, growing, and getting inspired by her patient interactions, she enjoys inspiring others with the written word. Her other talents include dog snuggling, telling bad jokes, changing a diaper in 2.8 seconds with her eyes closed, and forgetting to put the lid on smoothies, thus creating fantastic ceiling artistry. She is a sucker for any vegetable and claims she cannot live without them. Literally.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers' Favorite

Katy Clayton addresses the well-being and longevity of the American population in To Finding Healthy. She delivers forty strategies listing the skill to acquire, the health benefits it provides, what might hold you back from it, and "action steps" you can take to develop a healthy habit. While Clayton outlines the way to pay special attention to nutrition labels, portion sizes, and the types of foods you eat, she also touches on mindfulness, self-care, grounding, and spiritual growth. The author concludes the book by sharing stories from her patients that talk about transformations involved in Clayton's plan and sample recipes.

Katy Clayton's book will change your life if you let it. She relates stories from successful people who have implemented one or more of her suggestions and turned their lives around. If you're concerned about cancer, diabetes, or heart disease, there's something about one of those topics in about every ten pages with menu options, a supplement guide, and resources for a healthy lifestyle. It may seem as if I've given away important parts of the book in the review, but the wealth of knowledge in the pages is so vast and descriptive that you will find yourself reading every page—even if you only intended to read some key chapters. The road to a healthy lifestyle is a journey that requires true commitment and the author prepares you with knowledge to make your decisions more carefully. Don't miss out on To Finding Healthy, a comprehensive guide to managing your food choices and making positive lifestyle commitments.

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

“Contentment is a state of satisfaction.” Very profound words to help us on our journey through life, a journey through self-discovery, a journey to better health. In Katy Clayton’s To Finding Healthy, it’s a pledge to find our personal “state of satisfaction,” to find how we can be in the best physical condition possible. To achieve this ultimate goal, we must understand how the body works, not just the human body in general, but our own, unique body. Once we’ve done that, we can work toward our goals of a healthier life – either by losing weight or preventing or fighting diseases. Science is at a premium right now and there’s a lot of information out there to mold our healthy lifestyles. But what we really need is a concise guide on how to do that for ourselves and our own personal goals.

Katy Clayton’s To Finding Healthy is a concise and thorough look at the human body, how it works, and how we can make it work better for us. The author is a certified nutritionist and she shares her experience and knowledge, along with a colleague, Dr. Michelle Harden, to present a useful and helpful guide to better health. As well as being educational on various topics like the human body, nutrition, and exercise, the book is interactive, suggesting that we share our goals and thoughts throughout the book. This is a useful guide that will help many in their journey to a healthy life, including good nutrition, healthy eating, and regular exercise.

K.C. Finn

To Finding Healthy is a work of non-fiction in the health, medical, and self-help subgenres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience, and it was penned by author team Katy Clayton M.S. and Michelle Harden MD. The work is a comprehensive guide to achieving long-term health success through scientifically backed techniques. As someone who values health and fitness, reading this book was an enlightening experience. The authors, with their combined 43 years of experience, provide a practical and straightforward approach to regaining stamina, reducing excess weight, and preventing disease. The book not only offers wisdom on extending life expectancy but also serves as a motivational tool, inspiring readers to be courageous and successful in their health journey.

Author team Katy Clayton M.S. and Michelle Harden MD have crafted an invaluable guidebook that covers all the essential topics you might need, such as the impact of food on health, evidence-based strategies to reverse disease, and practical steps to transform one's lifestyle. What stood out, especially for me, was the book's focus on helping readers achieve and sustain their ideal body weight in a personal way that’s right for them, not anyone else’s standards. The authors cut through the confusion prevalent in the healthcare system, providing clear guidance on how to navigate the often conflicting information, and the emphasis on becoming a healthier version of oneself for a lifetime aligns with the book's promise to be the only health and fitness guide readers will ever need. Overall, To Finding Healthy is a must-read for anyone seeking a realistic and sustainable approach to health and fitness, as it both educates and empowers readers to take meaningful actions toward a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.