The Year of Fire and Ice


Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
479 Pages
Reviewed on 09/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

"There is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous." That quote from Napoleon holds true in Nigel Seed's novel, The Year of Fire And Ice: 1812, which indicates a fine line between success and failure. The story unfolds as Bonaparte speaks to three newly minted officers of his esteemed army: Louis, Jacques, and Pierre Dupont. Owing to their father, a general of significant influence, the three receive different but favorable posts to start their military careers. Louis is attached to headquarters as the Grande Armée prepares to invade Russia. Jacques is sent to the United States on a diplomatic mission, urging the young country to declare war on Britain, and Pierre is appointed to a line infantry regiment fighting in Spain. The brothers rush off to their new posts, filled with thoughts of excitement and adventure. However, reality soon sets in, and the young men discover that while there are different types of war, the finality of death remains the same.

Elegant and articulate, The Year of Fire And Ice: 1812 by Nigel Seed is a masterful example of well-researched historical fiction. There are three concurrent plots depicting the exploits and adventures of the brothers Dupont at a tumultuous time in history. However, the subtle theme of personal growth, shaped by experience, takes center stage in this excellent novel as each brother matures differently based on their circumstances and environment. Character development is first-rate and presented via the three protagonists and numerous secondary individuals, including some historical personages. The writing style also caught my attention as it depicted the period well through key phrases and terminology. A steady and immersive pace that builds tension, combined with eloquence from a bygone era, makes this book an easy recommendation. I think if Tolstoy were alive today, he would be smiling.