The Upright Tower

Fiction - Paranormal
332 Pages
Reviewed on 05/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

After a risky arrest, Officer Alessandro Santora is compelled to consider leaving the state of California for a few weeks on a vacation at a lakeside cabin in Louisiana. On getting to his destination, Alex finds a town that appears to be evacuated, leaving him in the company of a stranger with a memory problem—Jessie. As the two new friends become better acquainted with each other, Alex gains access to fragments of Jessie's traumatizing past, exposing the tortures of a psychopathic ex and a frantic search for an escape. Though Alex finds himself falling for his new friend, he chooses to exercise caution by restraining his feelings, albeit at the cost of a painful internal battle. Jamie Eubanks' The Upright Tower is about a deep connection between two lost souls and a challenging quest for survival. 
Romance fans will appreciate the book's incorporation of sexual tension and heartwarming expressions of love. I was strongly hoping that Alex would stop being polite and make a bold romantic move, especially since Jessie liked him too. The story smoothly combines slow and fast moments, allowing readers to enjoy the serenity of an almost-empty town and the suspense of unraveling a psychopath's wicked acts. Ultimately, The Upright Tower by Jamie Eubanks offers various irresistible, tempting treats: suspenseful clashes, surprising twists, a deeply engaging love story, and more. Like Inception and Memento, The Upright Tower is one of those mind-bending plots that surprises you with captivating twists and leaves you with several compelling questions. This book is a great excuse to take a break from your regular schedule and enjoy an immersive read. Trust me when I say you'll be glad you did.