The Scariest Campfire Story You've Ever Heard

Children - Grade K-3rd
42 Pages
Reviewed on 04/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Shawna L. Thompson for Readers' Favorite

In The Scariest Campfire Story You've Ever Heard by Ron Keres, the boys have eagerly awaited this moment all year and are overjoyed that the time has finally arrived. Dad and the boys have set up their tent, ready for the night's adventure. They are excited to share ghost stories around the campfire. However, as the night deepens, eerie sounds emerge from the darkness, turning the campout into an unexpected mystery. The boys are intrigued, Dad is on high alert, and readers are left wondering what could be making all these strange noises outside. The boys, trying to be brave, trust their dad to protect them, but even he is a bit scared. Is it a bear, a mystical beast, or perhaps a Sasquatch? Oh no, what if it gets into the tent? Stay tuned, because you will never believe what was outside their tent! Hint: it is big and hairy!

The Scariest Campfire Story You've Ever Heard is an exhilarating adventure that captures the anticipation and thrill of a camping trip with Dad. With enchanting illustrations by Arthur Lin, this book is part of the Scariest, Silliest Stories series, perfect for children aged four to seven. The pages are not just dark and spooky; they are also filled with charm and intrigue. Ron Keres has included bold onomatopoeias, adding to the fun and excitement. It's an ideal book for classrooms and homeschool libraries, offering valuable lessons on bravery, growing up, and embracing new experiences. With its delightful illustrations, this book is a must-read for every child, promising to keep them engaged and entertained from start to finish. I highly recommend it.